Page 12 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 12
City Council has expressed a desire to decrease the current tax rate while providing cost of
living increases for employees. Council has also communicated the desire to increase the
quality of life for citizens through infrastructure improvements and community programs.
The adopted budget meets these expectations in a balanced budget without the utilization of
General Fund Reserves.
The total expense in the budget totals $26M as shown below by fund. The budget is resource
loaded by each director and time-phased by the fiscal year. The budgeted revenues include a
taxable property value increase of $125,305 and use of $200,000 in Debt Service Fund
Balance to decrease the tax rate by .0579 cents per $100 of property valuation. Please see the
City Goals
I seek to instill confidence in the integrity and trust of the Kennedale city government through
a commitment to excellence in staff leadership and the following goals:
1. Emphasize quality customer service.
2. Partner with the Kennedale Area Chamber of Commerce to promote a positive
environment for economic development.
3. Enhance the quality of life by improving the city’s capital infrastructure for parks,
water/sewer, and streets.
C I T Y O F K E N N E D AL E . C O M/ C MO P ag e 4