Page 92 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 92

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                     General Fund



          The purpose of the non-department is to manage and provide prudent oversight of the City’s
          various charges that are not directly related to any specific department or activity of the City.
          Expenditures include insurance, utilities, auditing fees, studies, consultant contracts or other non-
          routine one‐time operational charges and transfers to other funds.

                                                                  Actual     Adopted      Projected     Adopted
           EXPENDITURES                                          FY 2021     FY 2022       FY 2022      FY 2023
           Personnel                                             $459,034      $334,600      $246,760    $287,703
           Operations                                           $1,802,467   $2,303,965    $1,771,264   $2,226,971
           Transfers Out                                        $1,249,992   $1,458,500    $1,250,000   $1,458,500
           Total                                                $3,511,493   $4,097,065    $3,268,024   $3,973,173
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97