Page 96 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 96

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                   DEBT Service Fund

          Legal Debt Limit for General Obligation Debt

          All taxable property within the City is subject to the assessment, levy and collection by the City
          of a continuing, direct annual ad valorem tax sufficient to provide for the payment of principal and
          interest on City issued General Obligation Bonds.  Article XI, Section 5, of the Texas Constitution is
          applicable to the City, and limits the maximum ad valorem tax rate to $2.50 per $100 of assessed
          valuation (for all City purposes).  Self-supporting debt that will be repaid by revenues generated
          through the ongoing activities of enterprise funds or other non-governmental funds are not subject
          to a legal debt limit.  Limits for self- supporting debt are instead set by the ability of the issuing entity
          to pay, charter limitations, profit and loss considerations or other governing body limitations.

          The City limits the total annual tax-supported debt service to no more than 25% of total spending.
          The adopted debt service budget of $9,327,252 includes $7,480,549 of debt supported by property
          taxes, $1,846,703 is supported by the Water & Sewer revenues, and $275,466 is supported by
          Drainage  Fund revenues. The property tax supported  debt is the equivalent  to 18.7% of total
          expenditures. For FY2023, the debt services portion of the tax rate is at $0.231735.

          The chart below displays the relationship of the City’s adopted total tax rate of $0.608162 in relation
          to the legal limit of $2.50.  The City’s current tax rate is 24.3% of the legal limit.

                             Tax Rate                     Current                     Available
                               Limit                      Tax Rate                     Tax Rate
                              $2.50                      $0.608162                    $1.89838
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101