Page 59 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 59

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                     General Fund


          Total General Fund Revenues for FY2023                  Licenses & Permits include building permits,
          are projected to increase about $1.4 million            licenses, and permits for engineering, electrical,
          or 4%. The increase is due to greater                   plumbing,    and    mechanical     installations.
          property tax and sales tax revenues.                    Revenues for FY2023 are projected to increase

          Property Tax is assessed on real and                    to $1,282,450 or 14% over last year. With the
          personal property and provides 35% or $11.8             build out of one more new neighborhood, those
          million of the FY2023 revenues. General Fund            fees could exceed our budgeted amount.
          Property Tax revenue is higher for FY2023               Charges for Services include recreation fees,
          due to Increase in total assessed property              inspection fees,  alarm fees  and changes for
          values even though the rate was lowered by              services provided from General Fund to other
          almost four cents.                                      funds. Revenues for FY2023 are projected to
          Sales & Use  Tax consists of Sales  Tax and             increase to $1.6 million or 17% over last year.
          Mixed Beverage Tax.  Taxes are collected by the         Fines & Fees  include  municipal  court  fines.
          State and allocated to the City.  For Sales Tax,        FY2023 are projected to stay at the same lavel
          the General Fund received 1.375% of taxable             of last year in the amount of $734,620.
          sales within  the City.  Sales and Use  Taxes
          represents $11.8 million  or 38% of FY2023              Other  Revenues  include Intergovernmental
          General Fund revenues and are projected to              Revenues, Interest Income and Miscellaneous
          increase by 4% over the prior fiscal year.              Revenues.  Total Other Revenues for FY2023
                                                                  are projected to be $591,269 due to stabilization
          Franchise Fees  are collected from  utility             of  interest income.
          companies for right-of-way usage.  The (non-
          city)  franchise payments are from  Oncor               Transfers for FY2023 are projected to stay at
          Electric, Atmos Gas, AT&T Cable, and Waste              the same level as last year’s budgeted amount.
          Management.   For  FY2023, Franchise Fees
          provide about $3.5 million or 10% of General
          Fund Revenues.

                                     Change in General Fund Revenue FY2022 - FY2023

                   Property Taxes                                                            $10,924,286

               Sales & Other Taxes                                                              $11,481,000
                       Franchise                     $3,548,000
                Licenses & Permits     $954,050
               Charges For Services       $1,620,546
                   Fines and Fees     $734,620
                          Other      $703,569

                        Transfers           $1,943,000
                                                        FY2022   FY2023
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64