Page 334 - FortWorthFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 334
Enterprise funds are proprietary funds that are used for services provided to external customers on
an exchange-based, user charge basis, in which customers receive a benefit equivalent to the amount being
paid and which is similar to the operation of a commercial enterprise.
The Municipal Airports Fund is an enterprise fund used to manage funds associated with the
maintenance, management, operations, development and promotion of Alliance, Meacham International,
and Spinks Airports and for FY2023 shall have receipts and appropriations as follows:
License and Permits $54,063
Charges for Services $6,325,400
Use of Money and Property $8,017,733
Other Revenue $190,647
Transfer from General Fund (Fire Lease) $59,501
Aviation $11,942,021
Transfer to General Fund (Fire Services) $59,501
Transfer to Municipal Airport Capital Projects Fund $1 ,320,664
Transfer to Grant $150,000
Transfer to IT Refresh Capital $14,651
Contribution to Fund Balance/Net Position $1,160,507
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Ordinance No. 25773-09-2022