Page 22 - City of DWG FY 2022-23 BUDGET
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GENERAL FUND 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-22 2022-2023 Variance Variance
FY 22/23
% Proposed Proposed FY 22/23
YTD of Budget vs FY Budget
Original Amended Actual + Projected Proposed Budget
ACTUAL Actual + Amended 21/22 Actual vs
Budget Budget vs Amended Budget vs
Projected Budget plus FY 21/22
Budget FY 21/22
Projected Actual + Amended Budget
Dept Account Number Account Description Projected
50 6000 Personnel:Salaries-Full Time 635,517 755,599 755,599 589,447 (166,151) 78% 761,191 129% 171,743 5,592
50 6005 Personnel:Salaries-Part Time 25,910 42,000 32,002 14,796 (17,206) 46% 42,000 284% 27,204 9,998
50 6007 Personnel:Dispatch Part Time - 20,484 20,484 3,126 (17,358) 15% 20,000 640% 16,874 (484)
50 6008 Personnel:Dispatch Full Time 129,988 128,789 128,789 153,353 24,564 119% 159,580 104% 6,228 30,791
50 6009 Personnel:Dispatch Overtime 24,252 30,232 30,232 27,849 (2,383) 92% 35,251 127% 7,402 5,019
50 6010 Personnel:Salaries X'ing Guard 7,966 12,000 12,000 9,975 (2,025) 83% 12,000 120% 2,025 -
50 6020 Personnel:Salaries-Overtime 88,428 94,932 94,932 70,563 (24,370) 74% 99,270 141% 28,708 4,338
50 6025 Personnel:Salaries-Sick Leave 9,941 12,908 12,908 10,859 (2,050) 84% 11,708 108% 849 (1,200)
50 6035 Personnel:Training Pay 807 1,200 1,200 610 (590) 51% 1,200 197% 590 -
50 6036 Personnel:Supplements 35,837 38,741 38,741 38,258 (484) 99% 40,598 106% 2,340 1,857
50 6050 Personnel:Service Pay:Longevit 5,915 5,686 5,686 5,719 33 101% 5,884 103% 166 199
50 Personnel:Discretionary Payroll - - - - - 0% 10,348 0% 10,348 10,348
Police Total Salaries & Wages $ 964,563 $ 1,142,571 $ 1,132,574 $ 924,553 $ (208,020) 82% $ 1,199,031 130% $ 274,477 $ 66,457
50 6027 Personnel:Pre-employment screening 48 200 200 3,229 3,029 1615% 1,000 31% (2,229) 800
50 6028 Personnel:Recruiting Costs - - 546 546 - 100% 500 92% (46) (46)
50 6030 Personnel:FICA(SS) & MediCare 70,512 84,461 84,461 67,552 (16,910) 80% 87,874 130% 20,322 3,412
50 6031 Personnel: SUTA Taxes 5,026 5,111 5,111 603 (4,509) 12% 174 29% (429) (4,937)
50 6042 Personnel:ER-Life/AD&D Ins 465 414 414 333 (81) 81% 397 119% 64 (17)
50 6045 Personnel:TMRS 242,433 233,317 233,317 197,923 (35,393) 85% 245,036 124% 47,113 11,719
50 6046 Personnel:ER-LongTerm Disab 2,768 2,774 2,774 2,293 (482) 83% 2,921 127% 629 147
50 6047 Personnel:Employee Insurances 111,030 120,170 120,170 104,269 (15,901) 87% 143,655 138% 39,385 23,485
50 6048 Personnel:HSA/HRA 9,319 7,086 7,086 12,290 5,204 173% 16,561 135% 4,270 9,475
50 6049 Personnel:ER-ShortTerm Disab 2,043 2,203 2,203 1,786 (417) 81% 2,251 126% 465 49
Police Total Taxes & Benefits $ 443,644 $ 455,736 $ 456,282 $ 390,824 $ (65,458) 2396% $ 500,369 128% $ 109,545 $ 44,087
50 6100 Training & Travel 4,371 37,605 47,605 29,405 (18,200) 62% 25,605 87% (3,800) (22,000)
50 6105 Training:Personnel Firearms/Ammo 6,663 11,305 11,305 8,305 (3,000) 73% 8,305 100% - (3,000)
50 6110 Training:Firearms/Range 3,707 2,990 2,990 2,990 - 100% 3,320 111% 330 330
50 6115 Training:Licensure/Cont Ed 140 - - - - 0% - 0% - -
50 6120 Training & Travel - Immunizati - 250 250 250 - 100% 250 100% - -
Police Total Training & Travel $ 14,881 $ 52,150 $ 62,150 $ 40,950 $ (21,200) 66% $ 37,480 92% $ (3,470) $ (24,670)
50 6215 Mat/Supplies: Office Supplies - 1,480 1,184 1,251 67 106% 1,345 107% 94 161
50 6216 Mat/Supplies: Facility Supplies - 1,597 1,278 1,209 (68) 95% 1,136 94% (73) (142)
50 6230 Mat/Supplies: Office Equipment 2,369 1,000 1,000 2,420 1,420 242% 1,000 41% (1,420) -
50 6240 Mat/Supplies: Printing 226 775 775 886 111 114% 1,000 113% 114 225
50 6245 Mat/Supplies: Postage 122 250 250 250 - 100% 200 80% (50) (50)
50 6250 Mat/Supplies: PSO Supplies 1,893 5,253 5,253 5,253 - 100% 545 10% (4,708) (4,708)
50 6260 Mat/Sup:DWG Prisoner Food 100 500 500 500 - 100% 400 80% (100) (100)
50 6265 Mat/Supplies:Prisoner Supplies 336 765 765 765 - 100% 500 65% (265) (265)
50 6270 Mat/Supplies:Emergency Equip 16,328 17,126 19,201 11,718 (7,482) 61% 32,541 278% 20,823 13,341
50 6275 Mat/Supplies:Equipment - - - - - 0% - 0% - -
50 6276 Mat/Supplies: Furnishings 206 - - - - 0% - 0% - -
50 6300 Mat/Supplies: Uniforms 7,187 21,400 21,400 21,400 - 100% 21,400 100% - -
50 6305 Mat/Supplies:Uniform Cleaning - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 100% 1,000 100% - -
50 6350 Mat/Supplies: Fuel 30,842 38,905 38,905 47,592 8,687 122% 56,786 119% 9,193 17,881
Police Total Materials & Supplies $ 59,610 $ 90,051 $ 91,510 $ 94,246 $ 2,736 103% $ 117,853 125% $ 23,607 $ 26,343