Page 273 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 273

2.1 Provide responsive, ef cient
                                                            city services
             Additional storage space for
                                     Within a 5-10 year horizon

             tables, chairs and audio

             video equipment
                                                            5.3 Provide attractive facilities
             Replacement of fogged
                                     Within a 5-year horizon
                                                            for leisure and recreation
             palladium windows and
             decaying wood frame
                                             Expenditures Summary

                                      A590,343                       $590,343
                                                                    (100.00% vs. prior year)

                                  Colleyville Center Proposed and Historical Budget vs. Actual





                          FY2016    FY2017   FY2018    FY2019    FY2020   FY2021    FY2022    FY2023

                                                     Actual   Budgeted

                City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023                                                    Page 273
   268   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278