Page 270 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 270

Colleyville Center

                                                    Leslie Hill
                                                    Colleyville Center Manager

                                         FY 2019   FY 2020    FY 2021    FY 2022      FY23
                   City-Wide Totals      ACTUAL    ACTUAL     ACTUAL     ACTUAL    PROPOSED       FY23 Changes
             Colleyville Center            4.00      4.00      4.00       4.00        4.00

             The Colleyville Center provides a unique meeting venue for the citizens of Colleyville. Built to provide our community a
             central location for civic meetings and socialization, the Center is known for offering- “Your day. Your way. Our place.”

             This  Center  provides  customer  service  to  individuals,  businesses  and  non-pro ts,  whether  local  resident  or  non-
             resident. Additionally, the Center provides customer service to all City Departments through special events, training
             and safety seminars, health fairs, job fairs and public space for town hall communication and updates by Colleyville
             City Government.

                                                        Core  Ser vices

             The Colleyville Center Teams goal is delivering the following core services;

             2.1 – Provide responsive, ef cient city services

             Provision of First Class Customer Ser vice
             Customer service is paramount to all customer segments utilizing the Center. The provision of excellent service is a
             re ection of City Management direction and commitment to not only Colleyville but also outlying communities who
             use the venue. The Department’s weekend event staff and weekday operation staff provide face-to-face, intentional
             and  engaging  customer  service.  Customer  satisfaction  surveys  following  each  event  provide  essential feedback  for
             both employee training and feedback for ongoing facility improvements.
             The Center is proactive in providing a safe environment for citizens and their guests. Emergencies, pandemics and acts
             of nature can happen. The 2020 COVID pandemic will remain a pivotal in uence on Department operations and the
             provision  of  a  safe,  sanitized,  socially  distanced  meeting  and  social  environment  for  citizens.  (Staff  monitor  security
             cameras during business hours with motion surveillance after hours.)
             Continued networking and partnerships within local Colleyville  businesses  and  civic  organizations  helps  the  Center
             capitalize on the provision of cost effective services as well as fuel the local Colleyville economy. Staff will continue to
             act as conduits of communication for City Management as we provide community outreach to local businesses during
             what  is  expected  to  be  another  tough,  pandemic  in uenced  year.  Currently,  Center  management  has  developed
             relationships  with  local  Colleyville  businesses,  securing  discounts  on  catering  services,  hotel  shuttle  services,  linens,
             food, alcohol,  oral, and lighting packages for client events.

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