Page 208 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 208
Technology has enabled Human Resources to more ef ciently deliver services to employees and job applicants. With the
implementation of the integrated human resources and nancial software, built-in software ef ciencies has allowed employees to
be more self-suf cient through self-service components. As new software upgrades are available, Human Resources will continue
to leverage these upgrades to make processes and procedures more ef cient. Because of limited storage space for paper les, and
the cost of storing paper les offsite, the Department continues to convert documents into a digital format and is looking to
automating more of its processes. The applicant tracking software currently in place streamlines the hiring process for applicants,
hiring managers and the Human Resources Department staff. The bene t enrollment software continues to allow for a more
ef cient and process for employees during the City’s open enrollment period. The Department will continue to look for more
opportunities to make processes even more ef cient.
The City will be challenged with knowledge transfer due to turnover. Most speci cally, almost a third of the workforce is currently
eligible to retire with the known expectation that eligibility will increase through FY 2024. A strategic approach to transfer and
retain employees’ know-how and best practices is critical.
Depar tmental Speci{c Objectives
Description Timeline Strategic Goal Link
2.3 Effectively leverage
Summer of 2023
Deploy Executime Time Entr y
software information technology
A347,939 $347,939
(100.00% vs. prior year)
Human Resources Proposed and Historical Budget vs. Actual
FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Actual Budgeted
Expenditures by Expense Type
City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023 Page 208