Page 205 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 205

Expenditures Summary

                                         FY 2019   FY 2020    FY 2021    FY 2022      FY23
                   City-Wide Totals      ACTUAL    ACTUAL     ACTUAL     ACTUAL    PROPOSED       FY23 Changes
             Human Resources               2.00      2.00      2.00       2.00        2.00

             The Human Resources department provides service and support to all City of Colleyville departments in recruitment and hiring
             programs,  testing  and  selection,  classi cation  and  compensation  administration,  bene ts  administration,  communication  and
             employee relations, compliance with federal and state employment laws, employee counseling, health and wellness programs,
             organizational development, performance management, policy and procedure development and maintenance, recognition and
             incentive  programs,  safety  and  risk  administration,  special  event  coordination,  training  programs,  and  workers’  compensation
             administration.  The  department  also  provides  service  and  support  to  job  applicants  seeking  employment  with  the  City.  The
             Human  Resources  function  aligns  with  the  strategic  point  to  deliver  high  quality  core  services  and  supports  the  City’s  most
             important  investment  –  its  employees.  The  Human  Resources  Department  is  committed  to  optimizing  organizational
             effectiveness  through  delivery  of  quality  customer  service  and  by  attracting,  developing,  engaging,  rewarding  and  retaining  a
             talented and diverse workforce to support the City’s vision, mission and values.

                                                        Core Ser vices
             To successfully accomplish the duties of the of ce, Human Resources is responsible for the following core services:

             1. Recruitment and Onboarding
             2.1 Provide responsive, ef cient city services
             2.2 Recruit and retain a highly-quali ed workforce
             2.3 Effectively leverage information technology

             Human  Resources  is  responsible  for  the  management  of  the  employee  recruitment,  selection  and  onboarding  processes
             including  vacancy  advertising  and  marketing,  applicant  tracking,  selection  process  oversight,  management  support,  pre-
             employment  screening  and  workforce  planning.  Human  Resources  staff  conducts  all  new  employee  processing  and  new
             employee onboarding. The department is also responsible for ensuring the employment processes and procedures in place are in
             compliance with state and federal regulations. The Human Resources Department continues to partner with hiring departments
             to look for innovative ways to recruit new personnel.

             2. Employee Relations
             1.2 Develop future community leaders
             2.1 Provide responsive, ef cient city services
             2.2 Recruit and retain a highly-quali ed workforce
             2.3 Effectively leverage information technology

             The Human Resources Department is responsible for interacting with employees concerning all aspects of employment in order
             to develop and maintain a positive relationship between the City and its employees. This is accomplished through programs and
             policies that ensure fairness, respect and consistent treatment for all employees. Various types of communication tools are used in
             order to ensure employees receive timely and accurate information. Such tools include employee email, the City’s intranet, and all
             employee meetings.
             In  addition  to  communication,  employee  relations  also  involves  employee  support  and  support  programs,  special  event
             coordination,  employee  recognition  and  incentive  programs,  and  grievance  and  disciplinary  matters.  Human  Resources  also
             advises supervisors when considering employment action for misconduct or performance issues to ensure compliance with City
             standards and fair and consistent treatment.

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