Page 212 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 212

Expenditures Summary

                                                 FY 2019   FY 2020   FY 2021    FY 2022      FY23
                       City-Wide Totals         ACTUAL    ACTUAL     ACTUAL     ACTUAL    PROPOSED       FY23 C
             Municipal Court                      5.00      5.00       5.00       5.00        6.00    + 1 Clerk

             The municipal court provides the cities of Colleyville and Keller with enforcement of Class C misdemeanor criminal and ordinance
             violations.  Court  staff  assists  the  Municipal  Court  Judge,  maintains  all  paperwork  related  to  citations,  completes  reports  on
             convictions and revenues received, and informs defendants of their legal options under State law.

                                                        Core  Ser vices

             To successfully accomplish the duties of the of ce, the department’s General Fund core services are responsible for the following:

                 . Provide municipal court services
             2.1 – Provide responsive, ef cient city services
             2.3 – Effectively leverage information technology

             The municipal court staff is responsible for processing citations for the cities of Colleyville and Keller. The court processes
             payments and accounts for  nes, state-mandated fees, and taxes for each city. The court schedules dockets weekly to allow
             citizens from both cities; an opportunity to appear before the Municipal Court Judge. The court staff of six manages the high
             caseload from administering municipal court services for two cities. This places a high value on being responsive to every call, in
             person, by fax, email, and mail inquiry. The municipal court staff prides itself on consistency, adaptability, and  exibility to ensure
             exceptional customer service.

             One way this is possible is to continually leverage the latest technology designed to allow defendants to access the court remotely,
             make payments online, and have contact with court staff. The use of technology is for all defendants, but particularly for
             individuals who live out of town, have extenuating circumstances, and if employment prevents them from coming into court
             during work hours. In post-pandemic, the court continues to offer virtual hearings as an option, as well as reinstating in-person
             dockets. Staff will continually look for ways to use technology to enhance ef ciency and responsiveness.

                                           Performance  Measures  & Vital  Statistics

             The following are new performance measures and vital statistics, and will be populated in the next budget book.

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