Page 197 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 197
Ronni Orr
Community Relations Manager
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY23
Communications/Marketing 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Communications and Marketing provides information to the general public, media, and other stakeholders to build awareness of
city issues, policy decisions, and services. It also is responsible for the city’s public education, public engagement, and public
outreach activities to keep Colleyville residents informed and aware about activities in the city in a consistent, transparent, and
clear manner. Marketing activities for the department include all promotion and advertising activities related to city programs,
activities, events, and services.
Core Ser vices
The Communications and Marketing Department is responsible for the following core services:
. Communication programs to build awareness, inform, and educate the Colleyville public and other stakeholders about city
plans, programs, and activities
1.3 Assure convenient access to public information
1.4 Communicate thoroughly and strategically
2.3 Effectively leverage information technology
5.1 Create and sustain an identi able Colleyville brand
The department is responsible for communicating city plans, programs, and initiatives to Colleyville citizens and other
stakeholders in a clear and consistent manner across multiple platforms to build awareness and engagement. One of the most
important aspects of citizen communications is to build communication channels to quickly reach out to citizens in the event of
an emergency or public safety concern so that they can take any necessary safety precautions. Communication tools utilized by
the city include the video segments, city website, social media (Facebook), monthly printed newsletter in citizen water bills, weekly
electronic newsletter, cable channel, CodeRed, and program guides.
. Media relations functions to boost public outreach and public information efforts
1.3 Assure convenient access to public information
1.4 Communicate thoroughly and strategically
The local media play an important role in keeping the public aware and informed. The department handles all media relations,
including releases and advisories, responding to inquiries, and serving in the role of spokesperson, as well as being onsite in
emergencies and events to work with local media outlets.
. Marketing and promotional activities related to city programs and events
1.3 Assure convenient access to public information
1.4 Communicate thoroughly and strategically
5.1 Create and sustain an identi able Colleyville brand
The department manages all marketing efforts on behalf of the city, including advertising, marketing collateral, library and
recreation guides, graphic design, video and photography needs.
. Manage the city’s brand
5.1 Create and sustain an identi able Colleyville brand
The department manages the city’s brand so that communications and marketing programs initiated by the city are clearly
identi ed as the City of Colleyville and meet the consistently meet the city’s standards for all advertising, marketing collateral, and
digital platforms.
5. Provide special events that promote a sense of community in a safe and fun environment
City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023 Page 197