Page 381 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 381


        fy 2022 CaPiTal BudgeT and CaPiTal imPrOvemenTs Plan

        The following pages in this section contain a listing of the CIP Governance Committee’s recommended five-year CIP by
        project category based on the primary purpose of the overall project. The project categories are:

            •  Mobility - Multi-modal transportation projects that serve the mobility needs of residents, businesses, and
               visitors that address transportation needs for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. These projects include road
               construction, widening, or improvements, street rehabilitation, and sidewalks. The majority of projects listed
               in this section of the CIP are implementing recommendations of the Southlake 2030 Mobility Master Plan.
            •  Water - This section of the CIP identifies projects that expand and improve the water system, including new
               supply lines, storage tanks and towers, distribution mains and lines, and water quality enhancing equipment to
               lengthen the shelf-life of stored water. The majority of projects listed in this section of the CIP are implementing
               recommendations of the Southlake 2030 Water Master Plan. Additionally, this section includes projects from
               the Water Conservation Master Plan, Water Impact Fee capital improvement plans, and other associated
               technical studies that guide the development of the City’s water system.
            •  Sewer - The projects identified in this section expand and improve the City’s sanitary sewer infrastructure,
               including the installation of new sewer lines and the replacement of aging lines. The projects identified in this
               section of the document are largely implementing recommendations from the Southlake 2030 Wastewater
               Master Plan.
            •  Storm water - Projects that expand and improve the City’s drainage infrastructure and manage the flow of storm
               water throughout the City. Projects identified in this section of the CIP are implementing recommendations
               from the Southlake 2030 Stormwater Master Plan.

           fy 2022 CaPiTal BudgeT - allOCaTiOn By PrOjeCT TyPe

                                                          0.5%   COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT
                                             SIDEWALKS & TRAILS        0.5%

                                       STORM WATER



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