Page 44 - Pantego FY22 Operating Budget
P. 44

            PUBLIC WORKS (135)
            FOR FY 2021-2022 BUDGET                                  2020-2021  2020-2021         2021-2022  2020-2021/
                                                    2018-2019  2019-2020  ADOPTED  Y-T-D  2020-2021  PROPOSED  2021-2022

                   101.00 Salaries / Wages         $    316,628  $    303,876  $    373,395  $    282,698  $             376,931  $       385,191  3.2%
                     101.10 Part-time Wages                26,601          26,439          41,998          28,950  $             38,600             35,884  -14.6%

                   102.00 Overtime Wages                   27,865          23,508          27,267          18,952  $             25,269             26,442  -3.0%
                     102.10 Car Allowance                    2,600            2,669            2,600            1,931  $               2,600               2,600  0.0%
                   102.20 Certification Pay                  8,328            8,100          10,725            4,264  $               5,686               5,525  -48.5%

                     103.00 Longevity                        1,175            1,645            2,440            1,835  $               1,835               2,220  -9.0%
                   105.00 Sick Leave Buyback                    -              4,752            9,472            6,004  $               6,004             13,304  40.5%

                     110.00 FICA/City Contribution          23,473          22,848          29,010          21,206  $             28,274             29,212  0.7%
                     110.10 Medicare/City Contribution            5,490            5,343            6,785            4,959  $               6,613               6,832  0.7%

                   120.02 TMRS Contribution                67,987          64,440          74,548          55,583  $             74,110             73,105  -1.9%
                     130.00 Worker's Compensation            8,654            7,081          11,315            7,561  $             10,081               9,233  -18.4%
                     130.02 Unemployment Insurance               325            1,078            1,440            1,594  $               1,594               2,520  75.0%

                   130.05 Health/Dental Insurance          32,906          39,057          52,123          35,226  $             46,968             53,563  2.8%

                         SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES  $    522,032  $    510,837  $    643,118  $    470,762  $           624,565  $       645,631  0.4%
                     232.00 Engineering & Maps     $        8,131  $        1,359  $      11,500  $        1,872  $               5,000  $         10,000  -13.0%
                     247.00 Insurance Expense                2,566            2,713            4,368            3,720                   4,368               4,368  0.0%
                     346.00 Traffic Signal Maintenance                 -            1,741            3,500               675                   3,500               3,500  0.0%
                     525.00 Other Retainer and Service Fees                 20,000          18,146                 24,000             24,000  20.0%

                   348.00 Radio Lease (Arl.)                 1,764            1,764            1,764            1,323                   1,764               1,764  0.0%
                              SUBTOTAL CONTRACTUAL  $      12,461  $        7,577  $      41,132  $      25,736  $             38,632  $         43,632  6.1%

                   238.00 Office Supplies          $        2,688  $        3,831  $        3,500  $        2,293  $               3,500  $           3,250  -7.1%
                     239.00 Postage Service/Maintenance               350               508               705            1,094                   1,500               2,973  321.7%

                   243.00 Animal Control                     3,335               995            6,500               564                   2,000               4,500  -30.8%
                     248.10 Planning and Zoning                                  500               199                      500                  500  0.0%
                     248.20 Zoning Board of Adjustment                           100                       -                    100  0.0%
                     282.00 Printing Expense                      46               301               250               485                      650               1,000  300.0%
                     329.00 Uniforms                         1,214               902            1,736               503                   1,600               1,736  0.0%
                     350.00 Building Maintenance             5,613          19,607            2,900            1,812                   2,600               2,900  0.0%
                     352.00 Sidewalk Maintenance & Repair            4,573            1,445            7,000               931                   7,000               7,000  0.0%
                     353.00 Street / Drainage Maintenance          14,673            8,611          22,000            4,161                 20,000             22,000  0.0%

                   356.00 Vehicle / Equipment Expense            6,644            5,137            4,300            2,465                   4,300               3,000  -30.2%
                    464.00 Landscaping & Improvements            2,240            4,221          10,000            2,120                 10,000             10,000  0.0%
                    526.00 Code Compliance                                    1,000               125                      800               1,000  0.0%

                   527.00 Street Signage Maint/Repair            2,634            1,970            4,200            3,587                   4,100               4,200  0.0%
                     528.00 Equipment & Supplies             6,593            3,497            6,129            1,799                   5,200               6,129  0.0%
                     528.20 Traffic Control Supplies               -                 269            1,000               324                   1,000               1,000  0.0%
                     529.00 Lawn Equipment Maintenance               623               547               700                -                      700                  700  0.0%
                   530.00 Mosquito Control                   1,837          13,009          14,000               623                 14,000             10,000  -28.6%

                   536.00 Storm Water Repair                    692            1,320            2,500               217                   3,500               3,500  40.0%

                       SUBTOTAL SUPPLIES/ MAINTENANCE  $      53,753  $      66,171  $      89,020  $      23,301  $             82,950  $         85,488  -4.0%
                     362.00 Gasoline / Oil Expense  $        6,364  $        4,126  $        6,000  $        3,339  $               4,700  $           3,500  -41.7%
                     411.00 Natural Gas and Electricity            2,551            2,884            2,200            1,721                   2,200               2,200  0.0%
                     411.10 Telephone Expense                5,613            5,603            7,800            3,816                   5,088               1,525  -80.4%

                   411.20 Cell phone Expense                    884               834            1,980            1,313                   1,980               1,980  0.0%
                     411.30 Water Expense                  25,017          17,957          22,500            7,515                 16,000             22,500  0.0%
                   413.00 Traffic Signal Electricity            1,632            1,440            2,500               728                   1,500               2,500  0.0%

                   450.00 Street Lighting Electricity          31,839          30,123          34,000          24,892                 32,000             34,000  0.0%

                         SUBTOTAL UTILITIES & GASOLINE  $      73,899  $      62,967  $      76,980  $      43,324  $             63,468  $         68,205  -11.4%
           TRAINING / DUES / MISC.

                   255.00 TML Deductible           $            -  $            -  $            -
                     705.00 Membership Dues                     393               348            1,225               358                      400               1,225  0.0%
                     724.00 Travel / Training                1,793               696            3,900            1,442                   2,900               2,900  -25.6%
                   770.00 Miscellaneous                         803               932            2,000            1,020                   1,800               2,000  0.0%

                     775.19 COVID-19 Emer Mgmt.                 -              1,429            3,000                 -

                   775.21 Feb21 Winter Disaster Recovery                               1,787                   1,787
                   771.00 Staffing Expense                        10                -                -                -

                        SUBTOTAL TRAINING / DUES / MISC.  $        2,999  $        3,406  $      10,125  $        4,607  $               6,887  $           6,125  -39.5%
                     480.00 Asset Purchases                     -            46,561                 -
                     483.00 Minor Office Equipment  $            -  $            -  $            -
                     486.00 Minor Equipment                       -                -               500                -
                     710.00 Capital Lease Principal          11,530               -                  -     -100.0%
                     710.10 Capital Lease Interest               345                -                -
                             SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY  $      11,875  $      46,561  $           500  $            -  $                   -  $               -  -100.0%

                                 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS  $    677,019  $    38  $    860,875  $    567,730  $           816,502  $       849,081  -1.4%
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