Page 39 - Pantego FY22 Operating Budget
P. 39

                                         ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET & PLAN OF SERVICES
              FUND:                                    General Fund - 100
              DEPARTMENT:                              General and Administrative - 101
                                                                                            2021-2022  2020-2021/
                                            2018-2019    2019-2020    2020-2021  2020-2021  PROPOSED   2021-2022
                     EXPENDITURES            ACTUAL       ACTUAL      BUDGET     ESTIMATE    BUDGET    CHANGE
              Personnel Services           $        435,436  $           445,466  $      453,531  $      450,856  $      533,413  17.6%
              Contractual Agreements                   84,187               101,833            89,288            92,287            97,538  9.2%
              Supplies and Maintenance                 34,270                 39,119            34,107            43,141            39,334  15.3%
              Utilities and Gasoline                   21,777                 21,886            22,400            20,348            13,575  -39.4%
              Training / Dues / Miscellaneous              22,204                 17,386            28,385            19,950            25,242  -11.1%
              Capital Outlay                                258                 24,692                  -                  -              6,000  NA
                                    TOTAL  $        598,133  $           650,381  $      627,711  $      626,583  $      715,102  13.9%

                                                                                            2021-2022  2020-2021/
                       PERSONNEL            2018-2019    2019-2020    2020-2021  2020-2021  PROPOSED   2021-2022
                   (Full-Time Equivalent)    ACTUAL       ACTUAL      BUDGET     ESTIMATE    BUDGET    CHANGE
              City Manager                      1            1           1          1           1         0
              City Secretary                    1            1           1          1           1         0
              Finance Director                  1            1           1          1           1         0
              Human Resources                   1            1           1          1           1         0
              Economic Development Coordinator  0            0           0          0          0.5        0.5
                         TOTAL PERSONNEL        4            4           4          4          4.5        0.5

                                                                                            2021-2022  2020-2021/
                     PERFORMANCE            2018-2019    2019-2020    2020-2021  2020-2021  PROPOSED   2021-2022
                       MEASURES              ACTUAL       ACTUAL      BUDGET     ESTIMATE    BUDGET    CHANGE
              City Council Meetings                          26                        29                   27                   27                   27                   -

              Agendas Processed                              71                        70                   73                   73                   73                   -

              Staff Meetings                                 52                        52                   52                   52                   52                   -

              Planning and Zoning Meetings                      4                          7                     8                     8                     8                   -

              ZBA Meetings                                        -                          2                     2                     2                     2                   -
              PEDC Meetings                                  21                        23                   24                   24                   14               (10)

              CRB Meetings                                     7                          9                   12                   12                   12                   -

              Newsletters                                    12                        12                   13                   13                   12                 (1)

              Elections                                         -                            1                     1                     1                     1                   -
              Legal Publications                             12                          8                   20                   20                   20                   -

              Open Records Received/Processed                  360                      358                 360                 360                 360                   -
              Ribbon Cuttings                                  3                          2                     5                     5                     5                   -

              Annual Financial Reports                           1                          1                     1                     1                     1                   -
              External Audits                                    3                          3                     3                     3                     3                   -
              Operating Budgets/Amendments                        2                          -                       2                     1                      -                 (2)

              Monthly Financial Summaries                    12                        12                   12                   12                   12                   -

              Monthly Closings                               12                        12                   12                   12                   12                   -
              Payrolls Processed                             27                        27                   27                   27                   27                   -

              Payments Processed                        1,591                   1,913              1,500              1,500              1,500                   -
              Purchased Orders Issued                        179                      143                 150                 140                 150                   -
              Bank Reconciliations                           48                        72                   72                   72                   72                   -

              Employee File Maintenance                      51                        60                   60                   60                   60                   -

              Vendor File Maintenance                        400                      400                 400                 400                 400                   -
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