Page 38 - Pantego FY22 Operating Budget
P. 38

                                    ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET & PLAN OF SERVICES
            FUND:            General Fund- 100
            DEPARTMENT:      General and Administrative - 101
            DIVISION:        Human Resources


           The  Human  Resource department  is committed to providing high quality professional service to all prospective, current, and past
           employees; and treating  each with respect, good care,  and individualized attention.  Human Resources provides departmental
           support  by managing: information, records,  performance  and  achievements; while encouraging individual employee input and
           Human  Resources serves to attract, develop, motivate and  retain a diverse workforce  with a supportive and creative work
           environment  with an emphasis on customer service and communication within the Town and  community.
           The  Human  Resource department's  accounting function is responsible for processing payroll and other financial records and
           assists with the annual auditing by providing expense reports and records. In  addition, the department  is tasked with the risk
           management  functions; and oversees the benefits program:  health,  dental, life, worker's compensation, and  liability insurance.

           Mission Statement:                             7.  Research  cost saving phone expense through
                                                          Spectrum VoIP
           The Human Resources department functions by providing
           professional support to  the town and  it's municipal departments and   8.  Wellness programs to improve  insurance premiums:
           employees by ensuring compensation, benefits which are compliance  January: 60-Step  Challenge and  April: 1mm Step
           withe Federal  and  State Laws; and the  regulations and policies of the  Program.
           Town of Pantego.
                                                          9.  Finance--assist with annual audit.
           Maj or Goals:
                                                          10. Finance--assist with budget.
           1. Research  health, dental, and life benefits plans with other
           providers for  best low cost premiums for  employees and their   11. Fire--created  mail out for  annual fire inspection fees to
           families; and thereby presenting to  the Town  Council for   Property  and Business Owners.
           consideration and adoption.
                                                          12. PEDC--create  spreadsheets, flyers, mail outs and
           2. Formulate  and  constructe a comprehensive step pay program  for   reimbursement for $30 Gift Card program August 2020
           all employees in the Town budget  with a goal to achieve area wide   and May 2021.
           competiveness, and retain Town  employees.
                                                          13.  PEDC--post  announcements to Arlington Chamber  of
           3. Provide full-time employees with education and training tools   Commerce, respond and research emails.
           through  on-line training to  achieve best practice methods for
           professional conduct.                          14.  PEDC--assisted  with photo shoot.
           Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Accomplishments:         15.  PEDC--ribbon cuttings.
           1. Open  Enrollment Benefits--providing  employees with vendors   16.  PEDC--attend  Pantego  Business Alliance meetings,
           contact information to include: optometrist (First  Eye Care),  dental   respond and research emails.
           (Park Row Dental), additional liability insurance providers (AFLAC,
           Liberty National and  Nationwide), financial institution (Frost Bank),   Obj ectiv es for Fiscal Year 2021-2022:
           Sam's Club, emergency  care (Sure  Point),  and chiropractor  (Arlington
           Chiropractic).                                 1. Continued  education to obtain certification, Society For
                                                          Human Resource Management (SHRM).
           2. Employee Handbook--rewrote  the Town of Pantego Employee
           Handbook  to ensure it is contemporary and  compliant with all new   2. Archive retainable files to Laserfiche software.
           legislation, addressing potentially problematic topics such as social
           media.                                         3. Provide full-time and part-time  employees with
                                                          education and training tools through  on-line training.
           3.  TML  Intergovernmental  Risk Pool--update  and manage  positions
           for  worker's  compensation that affects quarterly billing statements.  4.  TML  Intergovernmental  Risk Pool--review  and update
                                                          Town  municipal property for  insurance liability.
           4.  Destruction  of Records--disposed  of multiple years of records in
           compliance with the state records retention  schedule policy.    5.  Time  system for payroll instead of time cards.
           5.  Covd-19  Response.                         Maj or  Budget Changes:

           6.  Research  cost saving office supplies through Staples Advantage.  1. Step Pay Plan

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