Page 14 - Pantego FY22 Operating Budget
P. 14

▪  Shamburger Fund - This fund was created by a bequeath of the Town from one of its
                       departed citizens.  The Shamburger fund is used to account for the care, lodging and
                       feeding of stray animals found within the Town limits.

                   ▪  Court  Security  Fund  -  This  fund  was  created  by  State  legislature  to  fund  municipal
                       court security.  It pays for the labor of supplying security for both the courtroom and court
                       offices.  Resources are accumulated by collection of fees on every infraction that has
                       been adjudicated by the Town.

                   ▪  Court  Technology  Fund  –  This  fund  was  also  created  by  State  legislature  to  fund
                       improvements in technology in the municipal court system.  Like the Court Security fund,
                       resources come from the collection on infractions issued by the Town.

               o  Debt Service Fund.  This fund is used to record and control the accumulation of resources
                   for payment of the general long-term debt principal and interest.  The Town issues debt to
                   acquire  or  construct  capital  assets.    Resources  include  an  applicable  portion  of  the  ad
                   valorem tax levy and related interest income usable from debt service.  The Town has one
                   (1) debt service fund: the Interest and Sinking Fund to account for these activities.

               o  Capital Project/Equipment Replacement Fund. This fund is used to account for acquisitions
                   of equipment and other capital improvements of the general government not funded through
                   other funds.  This fund is entirely dependent on cash inflows in the form of transfers in from
                   the General Fund.

               o  Coronavirus  (CLFRF)  Fund.  This  fund  was  established  to  keep  track  of  the  Coronavirus
                   State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds issued  to the Town by the Department of Treasury
                   under the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.


               The  budgetary  and  accounting  policies  in  this  document  conform  to  generally  accepted
               accounting principles (GAAP).  The General Fund, Debt Service, Special Revenue and Capital
               Projects  Funds  along  with  discretely  presented component  unit  budgets  are  prepared  on the
               modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this basis of accounting, revenues are recognized
               when  they  become  both  “measurable”  and  “available”  to  finance  expenditures  of  the  current
               period.  Expenditures are recognized when the related fund liability is incurred. Governmental
               funds recognize changes only at the point they affect near-term liquidity.

               Proprietary funds, which include the Water and Sewer fund, are prepared using the full accrual
               basis of accounting.  In full accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when earned,
               regardless of when cash is received.  Likewise, expenses are also recognized when incurred,
               not considering the actual cash flow. The measurement is thus focused on the flow of economic
               resources. Proprietary funds, like their private-sector business counterparts, report all assets,
               liabilities, and net position related to a given activity, as well as transactions, events, or interfund
               activity of the period that affect net position (economic resources measurement focus).

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