Page 11 - Pantego FY22 Operating Budget
P. 11


               The financial structure of the budget is organized by funds.  A fund is generally defined as  a
               fiscal and accounting entity which has its own self-balancing set of accounts for recording cash
               and  other  financial  resources,  as  well  as  any  liabilities  or  residual  equities  or  balances.
               Normally,  funds  are  segregated  for  the  purpose  of  carrying  on  specific  activities  or  attaining
               certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations.  However,
               when appropriate, funds are comprised of departments. The following table outlines the fund
               structure for the Town of Pantego.

               BUDGETED FUNDS

               The  Town  adopts  an  annual  appropriated  budget  for  the  following  three  (3)  types  of  funds:
               Governmental, Proprietary and Fiduciary.

               1.      Governmental funds are accounted for on a modified accrual basis of accounting.  The
                       specific funds which make up the Governmental Fund type are: the General Fund, Debt
                       Service Fund, Special Revenue Funds and Capital Projects Funds. Each of these funds
                       operates separately and independently from one another; therefore, they are budgeted
                       separately and include separate financial statements.  Each fund represents a specific
                       function and maintains individual objectives.

                                                      Governmental Funds

                General Fund     Debt Service Fund   Special Revenue Funds        Capital Projects Funds

                                                     Shamburger Fund           Equipment Replacement Fund

                                                     Court Security Fund       2019 C/O Drainage Fund

                                                     Court Technology Fund     Coronavirus (CLFRF) Fund
                                                                               Street Improvement Fund

               2.      Proprietary funds are used to account for “business-type” activities that are financed by
                       the  revenues  generated  from  these  activities.    The  Town  of  Pantego  has  one  (1)
                       proprietary fund: the Water and Sewer enterprise fund.  Proprietary funds are accounted
                       for on the full accrual basis of accounting.  The Water and Sewer enterprise fund is the
                       only proprietary fund of the Town and receives all revenue through monthly customer
                       utility billings.  Expenses of the Water and Sewer fund include all activities necessary to
                       provide water and wastewater service to the citizens of Pantego.  The Water and Sewer
                       Fund is divided into three (3) separate funds:

                          o  Water and Sewer Operating Fund – This fund is the general operating fund for
                              the  Water  and  Sewer  Fund.    All  operating  revenues  for  the  sale  of  water  and
                              sewer charges are recognized in this fund.  Payments are made from this fund
                              for  the  general  operation  and  maintenance  of  the  Town’s  water  and  sewer
                              systems.  This fund is divided into two (2) departments: Water Department and
                              Sewer Department.

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