Page 13 - Pantego FY22 Operating Budget
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which  are  either  directly  or  indirectly  attributable  to  economic  development  within  the
                       Town.   PEDC’s  annual  operating  budget  is  first  approved  by  the  PEDC  Board  and
                       subsequently by the Town Council.

               Major Funds:

               Major funds are governmental funds or enterprise funds reported as a separate column in the
               basic fund financial statements and subject to a separate opinion in the independent auditor’s
               report. A government may opt to report a non-major fund as a major fund if the government
               believes  the  fund  is  of  particular  importance  to  the  financial  statement  users.  The  Town  of
               Pantego has three (3) major governmental funds: the General fund and one (2) Capital Project
               o  General Fund.  A General fund is always a major fund since it is the primary operating fund
                   of  the  Town.    The  General  fund  contains  control  and  fiscal  accounting  for  the  Town’s
                   general  service  operations  and  is  divided  into  departments  such  as  administration,  public
                   safety, public works, parks, etc.  The General fund’s major revenue sources are ad valorem
                   (property) taxes, sales taxes, fines and forfeitures, licenses and permits and franchise fees.

               o  Capital Projects Funds. These funds are utilized for the acquisition and construction of major
                   capital assets.  Capital Project funds are created to account for proceeds from the sale of
                   general obligation bonds, certificates of obligation, tax or revenue notes, or operating funds
                   set  aside  or  reserved  for  such  projects  to  be  used  for  the  costs  associated  with  the
                   acquisition or construction of major capital assets.  The Town of Pantego has one (1) major
                   Capital Project funds: the Street Improvement fund. The Equipment Replacement fund and
                   The Coronavirus (CLFRF) Fund are considered non-major funds and are therefore reported
                   as such.

                   ▪  Street Improvement Fund – This fund was established to account for ¼ cent sales tax
                       allocation voted on by the citizens of Pantego.  The revenue is restricted by statute to be
                       used for  existing  road  improvements  and maintenance.    Various  projects  are  planned
                       during  the  fiscal  year,  most  notably  the  replacement  of  curb,  gutter,  sidewalks,  and
                       crosswalks throughout the Town.

                   ▪  2019  C/O  Drainage  Fund  –  This  fund  was  established  to  keep  track  of  the  special
                       drainage projects funded by a portion of the Town's issuance of Certificates of Obligation
                       in the Spring of 2019.

               Non-Major Funds:

               The  difference  in  financial  reporting  between  a  major  fund  and  a  nonmajor  fund  is  that  the
               former must be presented as a separate column in the basic financial statements, whereas data
               from all nonmajor funds are reported in a single column. The Town of Pantego has six (6) non-
               major governmental funds:

               o  Special Revenue Funds. These funds are used to account for the receipt of specific revenue
                   sources that are restricted for expenditures for a specified purpose.  Included in the special
                   revenue funds are the following nonmajor funds:

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