Page 178 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 178


                                                   Utility Capital Projects
                Department                                     Project Title                         Project Number
        Public Works                               Small Water Main Replacements (2020)                   UT2001
                                                      Project Description
        This is an annual program that is completed by the Public Works Construction Division. The project replaces old 2" and 4" water
        mains with 6" or larger diameter water pipes. This project provides adequate fire hydrant coverage to areas currently without proper
        coverage. This project will provide for small water main replacement on the following streets: Sweetbriar Court (Noneman Drive to
        Culd), Puerto Vallarta Drive (Sierra Drive to Buenos Aires Drive) and Guadalajara Drive (Trinidad Drive to Buenos Aires Drive).

                                                      Project Justification
        This is an annual program that is completed by the Public Works Construction Division. The project replaces old 2" and 4" water
        mains with new 6" or larger water pipes and provides adequate fire hydrant coverage to areas currently without proper coverage. In
        addition, this project helps to replace water lines that have deteriorated to a point where numerous water line breaks are occurring
        and keep water quality to high standard.

        Project Status Update: Project is currently underway.
        Funding Source: Certificates of Obligation.

        Project Schedule            Beginning Date   Ending Date        History          Fiscal Year   Amount
        Professional Services                                        Adopted Budget        2019-20       $440,000
        Engineering/Design                                               Total                           $440,000
        Land/ROW Acquisition
        Construction                     10/2019         09/2020
        Total Schedule                   10/2019         09/2020
        Sources of Funds             Appr. To Date  2021‐22 Budget  2022‐23 Estimate  2023‐Completion  Total Funding
        General Obligation Bonds
        Certificates of Obligation       440,000              0                0               0         $440,000
        Federal/State Grants
        Sales Tax
        Total Funding                   $440,000             $0               $0              $0          $440,000

        Project Costs                  To Date    2021‐22 Budget  2022‐23 Estimate   2023‐Completion    Total Cost
        Professional Services
        Land/ROW Acquisition
        Construction                     440,000               0               0               0          $440,000
        Total Costs                      $440,000             $0              $0              $0          $440,000
        Operating Impact
        No operating impact is anticipated.

        Fiscal Year                2020‐21       2021‐22      2022‐23       2023‐24       2024‐25     Total Impact
        Amount                           $0            $0            $0            $0            $0           $0


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