Page 79 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 79

FY 2021‐22 Five‐Year Operating Fund Outlook

                                                 Water & Wastewater Fund

                                      FY 2022‐23    FY 2023‐24     FY 2024‐25     FY 2025‐26     FY 2026‐27

                 Water Sales           20,054,423     20,650,233    21,239,437     21,660,660     22,098,732
                 Sewer Sales            8,491,930      8,856,580     9,238,763      9,639,400     10,059,466
                 Charges for Service      400,961       411,866        423,098        434,666        446,582
                 Intragovernmental        134,230       138,256        142,404        146,676        151,077
                 Intergovernmental         32,529         32,529        32,529         32,529         32,529
                 Other Revenue             21,448         21,837        22,237         22,650         23,074
                 Total Revenue        $29,135,520    $30,111,301   $31,098,468    $31,936,582    $32,811,460

                 Personnel services     3,669,500      3,779,585     3,892,972      4,009,761      4,130,054
                 Operations &           1,262,974      1,300,863     1,339,889      1,380,085      1,421,488
                 Services & other       5,045,074      5,196,426     5,352,319      5,512,889      5,678,275
                 Wholesale Water        9,745,104     10,134,908    10,540,304     10,961,916     11,400,393
                 TRA Payment            4,136,267      4,301,717     4,473,786      4,652,738      4,838,847
                 Debt service           4,037,793      4,438,358     3,613,501      4,019,439      3,708,963
                 Transfers to other     1,650,000      1,150,000       900,000        650,000        900,000
                 Capital outlay           118,450       122,004        125,664        129,434        133,317
                 Total Expenditures    $29,665,161    $30,423,861   $30,238,435   $31,316,262    $32,211,337

                      Variance         ($529,640)     ($312,560)      $860,033       $620,320       $600,123

               Five‐Year Outlook Notes:

                 The city uses a “normalized year” revenue technique to determine the rate structure needed to cover
                   operational, debt and capital costs, and the rate structure is adopted annually with the budget.
                 In order to mitigate the negative variances in FY 2022‐23 and FY 2023‐24, the City will either delay funding
                   of projects, delay debt issuances, use fund balance above minimum policy, revisit the rate structure, or a
                   combination of the options.  When the budget is adopted, it will include an operationally balanced budget.
                 FY 2022‐23 includes the third of three issuances of SWIFT debt of $4,060,000 for water line replacement
                   and has an estimated annual debt payment of $292,667.  The City will providing one‐time funding of
                   $500,000 to the project as part of a cost‐match requirement.
                 FY 2022‐23 also includes the issuance of $11,100,000 for wastewater projects which are outlined in the five‐
                   year CIP and has an estimated annual debt payment of $781,008.
                 FY 2023‐24 includes the issuance of $5,700,000 for water line improvement projects which are outlined in
                   the five‐year CIP and has an estimated annual debt payment of $401,058.
                 FY  2025‐26  includes  the  issuance  of  $4,500,000  for  Pearson  Pump  Station  rehabilitation  and  has  an
                   estimated annual debt payment of $397,692.
                 Transfers to other funds relate to capital maintenance programs such as line repairs/replacements, tank
                   maintenance, utility relocations, etc. and are included in the five‐year CIP.

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