Page 74 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 74

FY 2021‐22 Five‐Year Operating Fund Outlook

                                        Keller Development Corporation (KDC Fund)

                                      FY 2022‐23     FY 2023‐24    FY 2024‐25     FY 2025‐26     FY 2026‐27

                 Sales Tax               3,708,117      3,819,361     3,933,942      4,051,960      4,173,519
                 Charges for Service        16,480        16,974         17,484         18,008        18,548
                 Other Revenue              22,538        23,215         23,911         24,628        25,367
                 Total Revenue          $3,747,136    $3,859,550     $3,975,336     $4,094,597    $4,217,434

                 Operations &               26,000        27,040         28,122         29,246        30,416
                 Services & other           44,387        46,163         48,009         49,930        51,927
                 Debt Service            1,589,044      2,498,322     2,497,847      2,502,147     2,501,222
                 Transfers to other      1,332,750       976,025      1,045,628      1,162,891       737,180
                 Capital outlay            165,000        75,000              ‐              ‐              ‐
                 Future Anticipated                ‐              ‐             ‐              ‐              ‐
                 Total Expenditures     $3,157,181     $3,622,549    $3,619,605     $3,744,213     $3,320,744

                      Variance           $589,955       $237,001       $355,731      $350,383       $896,690

               Five‐Year Outlook Notes:

                 The KDC fund typically cash funds large parks and recreation capital projects, but may also issue debt for
                   larger  capital  projects.  During  FY  2020‐21,  City  Council  created a Keller Sports Park Task Force with
                   participants from the Council, the Parks and Recreation Board, and representatives from various leagues
                   and user groups. Together, this task force will review the Keller Sports Park Master Plan and recommend
                   updates to transform it into a premier destination addressing current and future sporting needs.  While
                   there is no Sport Park projects listed on the five‐year CIP at this time, the five‐year model includes the
                   impact of a $25,000,000 issuance beginning in FY 2023‐24.
                 FY 2022‐23 includes the last payment for the 2011 GO which decreases the current annual debt service
                   payment by $1,315,000.
                 Starting in FY 2020‐21, the trail expansion project funding increases 10% annually.
                 The five‐year CIP does include annual funding to replace parking lots at the Sports Park, replace playground
                   equipment, and perform capital repairs at various parks.

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