Page 72 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 72

FY 2021‐22 Five‐Year Operating Fund Outlook

                                                        General Fund

                                     FY 2022‐23     FY 2023‐24     FY 2024‐25     FY 2025‐26     FY 2026‐27

                 Property Tax          20,271,321     20,279,808     20,456,925    20,940,548     21,435,666
                 Sales Tax              7,416,236      7,638,723      7,867,885      8,103,921      8,347,039
                 Other Taxes            4,422,869      4,511,326      4,601,553      4,693,584      4,787,456
                 Licenses and             793,867       777,989        762,430        747,181        732,237
                 Charges for              465,157       479,112        493,485        508,290        523,539
                 Fines and Fees         1,795,038      1,795,038      1,795,038      1,795,038      1,795,038
                 Development Fees         175,492       171,982        168,542        165,171        161,868
                 Intragovernmental      1,666,159      1,716,144      1,767,628      1,820,657      1,875,277
                 Intergovernmental      3,614,845      3,723,290      3,834,989      3,950,038      4,068,540
                 Other Revenue            228,412       235,264        242,322        249,592        257,079
                 Transfers In                   ‐              ‐              ‐              ‐              ‐
                 Total Revenue        $40,849,395    $41,328,677   $41,990,796    $42,974,020    $43,983,738

                 Personnel services    26,690,275     27,624,434     28,591,289    29,591,985     30,627,704
                 Operations &           3,109,829      3,172,026      3,235,466      3,300,175     3,366,179
                 Services & other       8,536,465      8,707,194      8,881,338      9,058,965     9,240,144
                 Transfers to other       290,667       290,667        290,667        290,667        290,667
                 Capital outlay                 ‐              ‐              ‐              ‐              ‐
                 Future Anticipated     5,336,500      2,203,500      3,440,500      1,798,250     1,419,025
                 Total                $43,963,735     $41,997,821    $44,439,260    $44,040,042     $44,943,719

                     Variance        $(3,114,340)     $(669,144)   $(2,448,464)   $(1,066,022)     $(959,981)

               Five‐Year Outlook Notes:

                 One‐time CIP project transfers for future years include $4,900,000 in FY 2022‐23, $687,500 in FY 2023‐24,
                   $1,925,000 In FY 2024‐25, and $412,500 In FY 2025‐26. The related project are listed in the Five‐Year CIP
                 FY 2024‐25 includes the addition of a third frontline ambulance and associated personnel with a one‐time
                   cost of $300,000 and on‐going expenses of $600,000. The cost has been included for budget forecasting
                   purposes, though actual need for a third ambulance will be based upon call volumes.
                 FY 2024‐25 also includes patching program of $150,000 annually and a one‐time purchase of $180,000 for
                   a patching truck.
                 Starting in FY 2020‐21, the sidewalk repair and construction project funding is increasing by 10% annually.
                 FY 2023‐24 anticipates issuing a CO for debt capacity demonstration purposes, which would shift property
                   tax from the General Fund and negatively impacts fiscal years FY 2023‐24 thru FY 2025‐26. The forecast

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