Page 467 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 467

               SPECIAL REVENUE FUND.    A  fund  used  to         TAX LEVY.    The  result  of  multiplying  the  ad
               account for proceeds of specific revenue sources   valorem property tax rate per one hundred dollars
               (other  than  special  assessments,  expendable    times the tax base.
               trusts or for major capital projects) that are legally
               restricted to expenditures for specified purposes,   TAX RATE.   The rate  applied  to  all  taxable
               or have been segregated by financial policy to be   property  to  generate  revenue.    The  tax  rate  is
               maintained separately.                             comprised of two components: the debt service
                                                                  rate, and the maintenance and operations (M&O)
               STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX.    Local             rate.
               sales tax authorized by voters in November 2003,
               pursuant to Chapter 327 of the Texas Tax Code,     TAX ROLL.  See TAX BASE.
               as  amended.    A  tax  of  1/8  of  one  percent
               (0.125%) became effective on April 1, 2004, to be   TAXES.  Compulsory charges levied by the City
               used for maintenance and repair of City streets.   for the purpose of financing services performed
               In November 2007, voters authorized an increase    for the common benefit.
               in the rate to ¼ of one percent (0.25%).
                                                                  TIF.  Acronym for Tax Increment Financing (see
               DECISION      PACKAGE       and    BUDGET          TIRZ).
                                                                  TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY (TRA).   A
                                   −T−                            separate  governmental  entity  responsible  for
                                                                  providing water and wastewater services in the
               TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT.  The Tarrant           Trinity River basin.  The City contracts with TRA
               Appraisal District  is  a  separate  legal  entity  that   for treatment of wastewater as well as a portion
               has been established in each Texas County by       of  its  wastewater  collection  system  for  the  Big
               the State legislature for the purpose of appraising   Bear Creek and Cade Branch interceptor sewer
               all property within the county or district.  All taxing   collection mains.
               units  within  Tarrant  County  use  the  property
               values  certified  by  the  TAD.    The  TAD  is                      −U−
               governed  by  a  board  of  directors,  whose
               members are appointed by the individual taxing     UNEARNED REVENUE.  See  DEFERRED
               units within the district.                         REVENUE.

               TAX BASE.    The  total  value  of  all  real  and   UNASSIGNED    /   UNRESERVED       FUND
               personal property in the City as of January 1  of   BALANCE.   A portion of fund resources that is
               each year, as certified by the Tarrant Appraisal   not  restricted  for  a  specific  purpose,  or  is
               District's Appraisal Review Board.  The tax base   available  for  appropriation  and  subsequent
               represents   the   net   taxable   value   after   spending.
               exemptions.    (Also  sometimes  referred  to  as
               "assessed taxable value.")                                            −V−

               (TIRZ).  A  special  financing  and  development   VOTER-APPROVAL RATE.    The  rate  is
               method authorized by Section 311 of the Texas      calculated  as  the  no  new  revenue  rate  for
               Property  Tax  Code.    Tax  increment  financing   operations and maintenance multiplied by 1.035
               involves  pledging  future  real  property  tax    plus  the  proposed  debt  tax  rate.    If  the  City
               revenues  generated  within  the  specified  rein-  proposes  a  rate  that  exceeds  this  rate,  then  it
               vestment  zone  (district).  TIRZ  revenues  are   requires voter-approval.
               calculated based on the cumulative increase in
               taxable  values  over  the  district's  "base"  year                  −W−
               values.  (Base year values are established upon
               the creation of the reinvestment zone.)  Property   WORKING CAPITAL.  The current assets less
               taxes generated from the increase in the taxable   the current liabilities of a fund.  Working capital
               values  is  pledged  to  fund  improvements  and   does  not  include  long-term  assets  or  liabilities.
               development  within  the  reinvestment  zone       For budgetary purposes, working capital, rather
               (district).  NOTE: The terms TIRZ and TIF are      than  retained  earnings,  is  generally  used  to
               used interchangeably throughout the document.      reflect  the  available  resources  of  enterprise
                                                                  funds. (See RETAINED EARNINGS.)

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