Page 465 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 465

               INTERFUND       (INTRA    GOVERNMENTAL)            M&O.  Acronym for "maintenance and
               TRANSFERS.    Transfers  made  from  one  City     operations."  (1) The recurring costs associated
               fund to another City fund for purposes such as     with a department or activity; (2) the portion of the
               reimbursement  of  expenditures,  general  and     tax rate that is applied to the General Fund (see
               administrative  services,  payments-in-lieu  of    TAX RATE).
               taxes, or debt service.
                                                                  MIXED BEVERAGE TAX.  A tax imposed on the
               INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES.   Rev-                 gross  receipts  of  a  licensee  for  the  sale,
               enues  from  other  governments  in  the  form  of   preparation or serving of mixed beverages.
               grants,  entitlements,  shared  revenues  or
               payments-in-lieu of taxes.                         MODIFIED      ACCRUAL        BASIS      OF
                                                                  ACCOUNTING.  A basis of accounting in which
                                   −K−                            expenditures  are  accrued  but  revenues  are
                                                                  recorded when "measurable" or are available for
               DISTRICT (KCCPD).    A  special  taxing  district
               authorized by an election in the City of Keller in
               November  2001,  levying  an  additional  3/8-cent                    −N−
               (0.375%) sales tax, designated for Police/Public
               Safety programs or capital improvements. In May    NEFDA. Acronym for “Northeast Fire Department
               2006, voters authorized the tax for an additional   Association.”  A regional association developed
               15 years. In November 2007, voters authorized a    by a group of cities in Northeast Tarrant County,
               reduction  in  the  rate  to  0.25%.  Sometimes    Texas, for the purpose of combining manpower,
               referred to as "Crime Tax."                        ideas,  and  education  for  specialty  operations.
                                                                  There are currently 13 area cities that comprise
               KELLER DEVELOPMENT  CORPORATION                    or participate in NEFDA.
               (KDC).    A  non-profit  corporation  authorized  by
               Section  4B,  Article  5190.6  of  the  Industrial   NETCO. Acronym for “Northeast Trunked Radio
               Corporation  Act  of  1979.  The  Corporation  is   Consortium.” An 800 MHz trunked radio system
               governed by a seven-member board, consisting       providing the infrastructure that serves the cities
               of  four  members  of  the  City  Council  and  three   of Bedford, Colleyville, Euless, Grapevine, Keller
               other  members,  who  are appointed  by  the  City   and Southlake.  Each participating city shares in
               Council.    The  Corporation  receives  the  ½  cent   1/6 of the maintenance and replacement cost of
               sales  tax,  which  is  dedicated  for  park       the system.
               improvements.    The  Corporation  also  has  the
               power to issue long-term debt which is payable     NETCOM.  Acronym  for  “Northeast  Tarrant
               from the ½ cent sales tax.                         Communications    Center.”   A    combined
                                                                  dispatch/communications  center  located  in
               KELLER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL  DISTRICT                Keller, that provides consolidated enhanced 911
               (KISD).    The  local  independent  school  district,   services  for  the  cities  of  Keller,  Colleyville,
               where  an  elected  board  of  directors  (trustees)   Southlake, and Westlake.
               provide  for  the  administration  and  operation  of
               schools  within  the  KISD.  The  City  of  Keller  is   NO NEW REVENUE TAX RATE.    Defined  by
               included within the boundaries of KISD, but the    State law.  In general, the tax rate that will raise
               KISD is a separate legal entity.                   the same amount of property tax revenue as the
                                                                  previous year, based on properties taxed in both
                                   −L−                            years.  Formally known as the Effective Tax Rate.

               LIABILITY.   Debt or other legal obligations       NON-RECURRING       EXPENSES/REVENUES.
               arising out of transactions in the past that must be   Resources/expenses recognized by the City that
               liquidated, renewed, or refunded at some future    are  unique  and  occur  only  one  time  without
               date.  The term does not include encumbrances.     pattern in one fiscal year.

                                   −M−                                               −O−

                                                                  OBJECTIVE.  A specific statement of desired end
                                                                  which can be measured.

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