Page 463 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 463


               CAPITAL OUTLAY.      An  expenditure  which        DEBT SERVICE.   The City's obligation to pay the
               results  in  the  acquisition  of  or  addition  to  fixed   principal and interest of all bonds and other debt
               assets,  and  meets  these  criteria:  having  an   instruments  according  to  a  predetermined
               anticipated useful life of more than one year; can   payment schedule.
               be permanently identified as an individual unit of
               property;  belonging  to  one  of  the  following   DEBT SERVICE FUND.   A fund used to account
               categories  –  land,  buildings,  machinery  and   for  resources  and  expenditures  related  to
               equipment,  vehicles,  or  furniture  and  fixtures;   retirement  of  the  City's  general  obligation  debt
               constitutes a tangible, permanent addition to the   service,  sometimes  referred  to  as  a  "sinking
               value  of  City  assets;  cost  generally  exceeds   fund."
               $5,000;   does   not   constitute   repair   or
               maintenance;  and  is  not  readily  susceptible  to   DECISION PACKAGE.   A request for additional
               loss.  In the budget, capital outlay is budgeted as   funding for a program, service, or the expansion
               expenditures in all fund types.                    of current services.  A decision package is also
                                                                  required  for  any  new  personnel  and  capital
               CAPITAL PROJECT FUND.   A fund used to             requests.  Decision packages are used during the
               account for the financial resources to be used for   budget  preparation  process  in  order  to  identify
               the  acquisition  or  construction  of  major  capital   specific  departmental  requests  in  the  proposed
               facilities  or  equipment,  usually  financed  by  the   budget.  Decision packages are ranked in their
               issuance of debt.                                  order  of  priority  by  the  department  manager
                                                                  making  the  request.    Decision  packages  are
               CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION.  Tax-                  distinguished in the proposed budget separately
               supported  bonds  that  are  similar  to  general   from the "base line" or "current services" funding
               obligation bonds and can be issued after meeting   levels. (See BUDGET ENHANCEMENT)
               strict  publication  requirements  and  with  final
               approval of the City Council.                      DEFERRED REVENUE.    Cash received from
                                                                  customers  in  advance  of  services  received.
               CERTIFIED APPRAISAL  ROLL.    The  final           Recorded  as  a  liability  under  general  accepted
               property  appraisals  roll,  as  calculated  by  the   accounting  principles.  Used  primarily  for
               Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD).  The certified roll   operations   of   The   Keller   Pointe
               is required to be prepared by TAD by July 25 of    Recreation/Aquatic   Center,   where   annual
               each year.                                         memberships are recorded as deferred revenue
                                                                  in 12 monthly installments.  Also referred to as
               CITY CHARTER.   The document of a home rule        Unearned Revenue.
               City similar to a constitution, which establishes
               the City's government structure and provides for   DELINQUENT TAXES.   Taxes that remain
               the distribution of powers and duties among the    unpaid  after  the  date  on  which  a  penalty  for
               various branches of government.                    nonpayment  is  attached.    Property  taxes  are
                                                                  delinquent if not paid by January 31.
               CITY COUNCIL.   The elected governing body of
               the  City,  consisting  of  the  Mayor  and  six  (6)   DEPARTMENT.   A major administrative organ-
               Council  members,  collectively  acting  as  the   izational unit of the City containing one or more
               legislative and policy-making body of the City.    divisions or activities.

               PREVENTION DISTRICT.)

               CURRENT TAXES.   Taxes levied and due within
               one year.


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