Page 462 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 462


               The annual budget contains specialized and technical terminology that is unique to public finance and
               budgeting.  To assist the reader in understanding these terms, this glossary has been included in the budget
                                   −A−                                               −B−

               ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING.  A basis              BALANCED BUDGET.  A budget adopted by the
               of accounting in which revenues are recognized     City Council and authorized by ordinance where
               in the accounting period in which they are earned,   the proposed expenditures are equal to or less
               and  expenses  are  recognized  in  the  period  in   than the proposed revenues plus fund balances.
               which  they  are  incurred.    For  example,  water
               revenues  which  are  billed  in  September  are   BASIS OF ACCOUNTING.  A term used referring
               recorded as revenues in September, even though     as  to  when  revenues,  expenditures,  expenses,
               payment in cash is actually received in October.    and transfers –and related assets and liabilities –
               Similarly,  services  or  supplies  that  have  been   are recognized in the accounts and reported in
               received in September, but actually paid for by    the City's financial statements.
               the City in October, are recorded as obligations
               of  the  City  (expenses)  in  September.  Accrual   BUDGET.  The City's financial plan that contains
               accounting is used for the City's enterprise funds   both  the  estimated  revenues  to  be  received
               for financial reporting purposes.                  during the year and the proposed expenditures to
                                                                  be incurred to achieve stated objectives.
               ADOPTED BUDGET.    The  budget  as modified
               and  finally  approved  by  the  City  Council.    The   BUDGET ADJUSTMENT  (AMENDMENT).  A
               adopted budget is authorized by ordinance that     formal  legal  procedure  utilized  by  the  City  to
               sets the legal spending limits for the fiscal year.   revise a budget during a fiscal year.

               AD VALOREM TAX.    A  tax  levied  on  the         BUDGET CALENDAR.  The schedule of dates
               assessed valuation of land and improvements.       used as a guide to complete the various steps of
                                                                  the budget preparation and adoption processes.
               APPRAISED VALUE.    The  estimated  value  of
               property  for  the  purpose  of  taxation,  as     BUDGET ENHANCEMENT.    A  request  for
               established by the Tarrant Appraisal District.     additional funding for a program, service, or the
                                                                  expansion  of  current  services.    Budget
               APPROPRIATION.    An  authorization  made  by      enhancements are used during the budget pre-
               the  City  Council  that  permits  officials  to  incur   paration  process  in  order  to  identify  specific
               obligations against and to make expenditures of    departmental  requests  in  the  proposed  budget.
               resources.  Appropriations normally are made for   Budget enhancements are ranked in their order
               fixed amounts at the department level and cover,   of priority by the department manager making the
               in the operating budget, a one-year period.        request.    Budget  enhancements  are  distin-
                                                                  guished in the proposed budget separately from
               APPROPRIATION (BUDGET) ORDINANCE.                  the  "base  line"  or  "current  services"  funding
               The  official  enactment  by  the  City  Council   levels.    Also  see:  DECISION PACKAGE  and
               establishing the legal authority for City officials to   SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION PACKAGE.
               obligate and expend resources.
                                                                  BUDGET MESSAGE.    The  opening  section  of
               ASSESSED VALUATION.    A  value  that  is          the budget document from the City Manager that
               established for real or personal property for use   provides the City Council and the public with a
               as a basis for levying property taxes.  Property   general summary of the most important aspects
               values  in  Keller  are  established  by  the  Tarrant   of  the  budget.    Sometimes  referred  to  as  a
               Appraisal District.                                "transmittal letter."

               ASSETS.  Resources owned or held by the City       BUDGETARY CONTROL.  The control of man-
               that have monetary value.                          agement of the organization in accordance with
                                                                  an approved budget for the purpose of keeping
               AUTHORIZED POSITION(S).  See FULL-TIME             expenditures  within  the  limitations  of  available
               EQUIVALENT POSITION.                               appropriations and revenues.


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