Page 430 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 430

2.19 Budgets of Enterprise and Internal Service Funds are prepared on a working capital
               basis,  whereby  depreciation  expenses  are  not  budgeted  and  capital  outlay  and  debt  service
               principal  payments  are  budgeted  as  expenses.    Reserves  of  Enterprise  and  Internal  Service
               Funds will be disclosed using working capital as defined in the Fund Balance Policy, rather than
               retained earnings.

                   2.20 Budgets of Enterprise and Internal Service Funds shall be self-supporting, i.e., on-going
               revenues  equal  or  exceed  on-going  expenditures  (excluding  depreciation)  and  one-time
               expenditures may be funded with working capital.

                   2.21 Budgets shall integrate performance measures, goals and objectives, service levels and
               productivity measures where appropriate, and provide a means of measuring and monitoring per-
               formance, goals and productivity.

                   2.22  New  positions  and  programs funded  in  annual  budgets  will  be  disclosed  at their full
               annual cost in the initial and subsequent years of funding, or at the respective full-time equivalent
               costs for new positions.  Even if the positions and/or programs are anticipated to begin mid-year,
               the full annual costs, or the full-time equivalent costs for new positions, will be disclosed in the
               budget.  Positions temporarily vacant will also be disclosed at their full annual cost in the annual

                   2.23 When possible, replacement funds shall be created to ensure the ability to make timely

               3.   Capital Improvements.

                   3.1  The City will develop and maintain a comprehensive five-year plan for capital improve-
               ments.  This  plan  shall  be  presented  to  and  reviewed  by  the  City  Council  annually.    Capital
               improvements for planning purposes shall be considered as all land, land improvements, building
               projects,  infrastructure  (i.e.,  streets,  water  and  wastewater  improvements)  and  equipment
               exceeding one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in cost.

                   3.2  All  capital  improvements  should  be  made  in  accordance  with  the  five-year  plan  as
               adopted or reviewed by the City Council.

                   3.3  The  City  Council  shall  adopt  an  annual  capital budget that  is  based  on  the five-year
               capital improvement plan.  This capital budget shall identify the sources of funding for each capital
               project authorized for the ensuing fiscal year.  Assessments and pro-rata charges may be applied
               where applicable to fund capital projects.

                   3.4  The City's capital improvement program shall be coordinated with the operating budgets.
               Operating costs associated with each capital improvement project will be identified in the capital
               budget and included in the appropriate operating budget if the project is authorized.

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