Page 427 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 427

                                            Financial Management Policies

               1.  Purpose of Policies.

                   1.1  The  City  of  Keller  (the  City)  is  committed  to  sound  financial  management  through
               integrity,  prudent  stewardship,  financial  planning  and  accountability,  full  disclosure,  and
               communication. Financial Management Policies will enable the City to achieve and maintain a
               stable, positive financial condition, while also providing guidelines for the day-to-day planning and
               operations of the City's financial affairs.

                   1.2  The City will establish and maintain a high standard of accounting practices. The City's
               accounting  system  shall  conform  to  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  (GAAP),  as
               prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) for governmental entities.

                   1.3  The City will prepare and maintain in a current status written administrative procedures
               relating  to  each  financial  management  area.  The  City  Manager,  department  directors,  and
               managers are responsible for ensuring that good internal controls are maintained and followed
               throughout their respective City departments, that all management directives or internal control
               recommendations  are  implemented  in  a  timely  manner,  and  that  all  independent  auditor
               recommendations are addressed.

                   1.4 The  City  will  pursue  transparency  with  regard  to  disclosure  of  financial  information.
               Accordingly,  the  City  will  seek  to  attain  the  highest  Texas  Comptroller  of  Public  Accounts
               Transparency  award  without  placing  any  unnecessary  burdens  on  staff.  A  primary  focus  of
               financial transparency is the ability for citizens to review the City’s financial information online. At
               a  minimum,  online  information  will  include  annually  adopted  budgets,  comprehensive  annual
               financial reports, and check registers.

                   1.5  These financial management policies shall remain in effect until amended by the City
               Council.  The City Council shall review the policies annually, and amend as necessary.

               2.   Operating Budgets.

                   2.1  Annual estimates of revenue in both the general fund and enterprise funds shall be based
               on historical trends and a reasonable expectation of growth.  A conservative approach shall be
               observed in estimating revenues, so that revenue estimates will not be overstated.  Annual Water
               and Wastewater Enterprise Fund revenues shall be budgeted on the basis of a normalized year,
               with reasonable estimates of customer growth, not on the basis of forecasted above-average
               rainfall (wet year) or below-than-average rainfall (dry year).

                   2.2  The adoption of an operationally balanced budget shall be required.  An operationally
               balanced budget shall be defined as a budget in which on-going revenues equal or exceed on-
               going expenditures and one-time expenditures may be funded with undesignated fund balance.
               In addition, current resources (current revenues plus undesignated fund balances) will equal or
               exceed current expenditures (on-going plus one-time expenditures) for each individual fund.

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