Page 428 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 428

2.3  At the end of each fiscal year, the City shall establish a goal that the fund balances of
               each fund be within requirements of the Fund Balance Policy.

                   2.4  The City should endeavor to maintain a diversified and stable revenue base in order to
               prevent overall revenue shortfalls as a result of periodic fluctuations in any one revenue source.
               Each existing and potential revenue source will be re-examined annually.

                   2.5  The  City  may  use  non-recurring  resources  and  fund  balances  to  fund  non-recurring
               expenditures.  Recurring expenditures shall be funded with recurring revenues only.

                   2.6  User charges, rates and fees shall be established at a level related to the cost of providing
               the services. These charges, rates and fees shall be reviewed not less than annually in order to
               determine the appropriate level of funding anticipated to support the various related activities.  In
               order  to  mitigate  the  magnitude  of  rate  increases  necessary  for  the  Water  and  Wastewater
               Enterprise Fund, an independent cost of service study will be conducted at least every three (3)
               years to review rate methodology and ensure revenues will meet future obligations. The cost of
               service  study  shall  include  operating  costs,  anticipated  capital  improvements  and  use  of
               associated  impact fees,  provision  for  an  adequate  level  of  working  capital,  and requirements
               necessary to meet all current and future revenue bond covenants.

                   2.7  Rates  for  water  and  wastewater  enterprise  activities  shall  be  maintained  at  levels
               sufficient to ensure that annual revenues will be available to pay all direct and indirect costs of
               the enterprise activities, including costs of operation, capital improvements, maintenance, and
               principal and interest requirements on outstanding debt, and interest and sinking fund and reserve
               fund requirements.  The City recognizes an obligation to provide water and wastewater services
               to customers as economically as possible, while also maintaining the fiscal integrity of the Water
               and Wastewater Enterprise Fund; therefore, the City will seek to pass through (recover) increases
               in water supply costs and wastewater treatment services to customers of the City of Keller.

                   2.8  Net earnings of enterprise funds for any fiscal period should be adequate to meet all bond
               covenants, especially the debt coverage ratio.  Net earnings shall be defined to include non-
               operating revenues available for debt service, excluding depreciation and transfers to other funds.

                   2.9 Enterprise funds shall adequately compensate the General Fund (and other applicable
               funds) for administrative and/or management services provided to the enterprise funds. Transfers
               from enterprise activities to the general fund for administrative services shall not exceed the esti-
               mated costs incurred by the General Fund in providing such services.  Payments in-lieu-of-taxes
               and franchise fee payments shall be paid by enterprise funds to other appropriate funds. The
               basis for each transfer shall be fully identified each year in the proposed budget.

                   2.10 A proposed budget for all budgeted funds shall be submitted to the City Council by the
               City Manager on or before August 15 of each year, for the ensuing fiscal year.  [Keller Charter,
               Section 8.02].  The City Manager’s proposed budget shall be filed in accordance with State law
               including filing with the Office of the City Secretary and at the Keller Public Library, and on the
               City’s website.

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