Page 429 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 429
2.11 Unless otherwise noted in the annual budget document, annual fixed-dollar budgets will
be adopted for all funds except capital funds, grant funds, donation funds, impact fee funds,
Council approved operating project funds and trust funds for the period beginning October 1 and
ending September 30 of the following year. Funds which are funded by non-reoccuring and/or
expected revenue sources such as grants, donations, and impact fees shall be considered non-
budgeted funds. Budgets for capital and Council approved operating project funds are adopted
based upon the anticipated time line for completion of the project, also known as the project life
basis, and not a fiscal year basis.
2.12 All budget appropriations (except for project life funds) lapse at fiscal year-end
(September 30) and the City shall strive to minimize any encumbrances at year-end. Any
encumbered appropriations at year-end may be re-appropriated by a budget amendment in the
ensuing fiscal year.
2.13 All budgets shall be adopted on a basis of accounting consistent with GAAP, as applied
to governmental entities, with the exception of Enterprise and Internal Service Funds. Revenues
are budgeted as they become measurable and available. Expenditures are charged against the
budget when they become measurable, or when a liability has been incurred and the liability is
expected to be liquidated with available current resources. For Enterprise and Internal Service
Funds, depreciation is not budgeted, and capital improvements and debt service principal
payments are budgeted as expenditures/expenses.
2.14 The budget shall be maintained at the legal level of control which is the department within
the individual fund. Expenditures may not exceed the legal level of control at the department level
within an individual fund without approval of the City Council. The City Manager is authorized to
transfer appropriations within a department or between departments in an individual fund in
accordance with these policy guidelines.
2.15 Authority to transfer appropriations within a fund or department. The City Manager or
designee may approve transfers of available appropriations between general classifications of
expenditures within the same fund, provided the transfer amounts do not result in a net increase
or decrease in total appropriations for the fund.
2.16 Authority to transfer appropriations between a fund. Transfers of available appropriations
in general classifications of expenditures between funds, shall be approved only by the City
Council unless related to grant or bond activities.
2.17 Increase in total appropriations and use of contingency funds. The City Council shall
also approve any budget modification(s) resulting in a net increase or decrease in appropriations,
or any proposed use of contingency funds [Keller Charter, Section 8.12].
2.18 The City will strive to receive and retain the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
presented annually by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).