Page 151 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 151
Mission Statement
he mission of the Support Services Division is to actively engage, com-
T municate, and educate Hurst residents through effective communication
means. Further, to provide efficient building maintenance services and ware-
house service functions supporting our internal customers.
Prior Year Results Prior Year Results Cont.
h Separated the Recreation Guide from Where We Live; h Created and distributed new issues of the employee
distribution is set for three times a year for the guide, magazine WorkLife, serving as a means of a positive
following recreation class scheduling. work environment and teamwork, as outlined in our
h Upgraded our website administrative tool to include Code of Ideals.
the ability to create microsites. h Worked closely with Planning and Community Devel-
h Created and maintained a COVID specific area on our opment to promote programs “Property Pride” and
website to serve as a one-stop location for all informa- the Energov system.
tion as it related to the pandemic. h Worked with the Parks department on a variety of
h Continued to grow our social media presence, using projects to enhance our parks.
it as an effective communication tool for details of
COVID related items.
h Recorded and created an educational introductory vid-
eo that serves as a “New Employee Orientation” video
h Recorded and created other new employee videos to Future Initiatives
serve as educational tools to the Hurst Way. Expand citizen reach with creative and informa-
h Created, implemented, and reported findings from the tive marketing materials.
annual citizen survey. Expand on video projects suited for web and
h Created our third budget video to serve as an educa- social media to draw attention to events and
tional resource for citizens. culture in our city.
h Enhanced the e-newsletter, Hurst Happenings, with Expand on microsites, further drawing attention
a new look to more closely match our approved style to events and culture in our city.
colors and give it a more modern look. Reopen the Hurst 101 citizens academy.
h Managed over 200 volunteers in action; provided a
drive-thru celebration in their honor.