Page 467 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 467

5.  The Administering Department shall submit project status reports in accordance
                                 with the award agreement, and provide copies of such reports to FMS Grant
                                 Accounting to be attached in PeopleSoft.
                              6.  Where financial reports—including financial status reports (FSRs), requests for
                                 reimbursement (RFRs) or drawdowns, or close-out reports—are filed by the
                                 Administering Department, the Administering  Department should submit  a
                                 draft of the submission to FMS Grant Accounting five (5) business days prior
                                 to the due date for review and concurrence.  Where such financial reports are
                                 filed by FMS Grant Accounting, they should be submitted to the Administering
                                 Department five (5) business days prior  to  the due date for review and
                              7.  The Administering  Department  shall  create  and maintain  adequate
                                 documentation for all program operations and expenditures (activity reports,
                                 invoices, purchase orders, receipt documentation, etc.).
                              8.  The Administering Department and FMS Grant Accounting shall create and
                                 maintain all pertinent award-related documentation in  accordance with
                                 §200.333 Retention Requirements  for Records and applicable State law as
                                 specified in City records management policies and supply it as requested to
                                 authorized grant monitors.
                              9.  FMS Grant Accounting shall ensure awards are accounted for in accordance
                                 with 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and
                                 Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, applicable State regulations, and City
                                 policies and procedures.
                             10.  The  Administering  Department  and FMS Grant Accounting  shall, at a
                                 minimum,  review and analyze grant financials  monthly.  This review will
                                 include a process to verify that all costs are allowable and appropriate and that
                                 all revenues earned have been recognized.
                             11.  As  determined and  documented  in the  Grant Kick-off  Meeting, either the
                                 Administering  Department or FMS Grant Accounting will submit financial
                                 reports in accordance with the award agreement.
                             12.  Grant funds shall not be used to purchase gift cards or other cash-equivalent
                                 items for distribution to recipients.  All disbursements of funds and/or assets
                                 shall follow standard City procedures to ensure accountability and compliance.
                             13.  Other roles and responsibilities for the Administering Department:
                                     a.  Ensure funding is managed according to the terms and conditions of the
                                     b.  Request award extension and/or agreement amendments, if necessary,
                                     c.  Prepare M&Cs for grant amendments, if necessary,

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