Page 463 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 463

IV.     Glossary

                          Definitions related to this policy will be incorporated into the Glossary for Financial
                          Management Policies.

                          Administering Department – The City of Fort Worth Department responsible for
                          applying for and overseeing the activities of a grant-funded program.

                          Indirect Costs – Expenditures the City will incur for managing the grant program.  Any
                          eligible indirect costs shall be calculated and included in each grant application and
                          shall be specified in the Mayor and Council Communication  (M&C) seeking approval
                          to proceed with a grant application or award.  If a waiver of indirect costs is sought by
                          the Administering Department, such waiver  must  quantify the estimated amount,
                          explain the reasoning behind the request, and be approved by the Mayor and Council.

               V.      Policy

                              A.  Grant Identification, Application, Acceptance

                              1.  Each respective department of the City of Fort Worth may research and identify
                                 grant opportunities that facilitate  the City’s  overall goals, mission, and
                                 initiatives and provide supplemental or alternative funding sources for either
                                 capital expenses/expenditures or operating programs.
                              2.  If grant opportunities are identified, departments are responsible for obtaining
                                 approval from the corresponding Assistant City Manager.
                              3.  Potential grant opportunities shall be evaluated for administrative burden and
                                 compliance costs prior to application.  Where the amount likely to be received
                                 does not exceed the cost of applying for and administering the grant, the City
                                 should not seek the grant.  Where the amount awarded does not exceed the cost
                                 of administering the grant, the City should not accept the grant.
                              4.  Prior to application, the Administering Department shall:
                                     a.  Complete an agenda item on a regularly scheduled City Council meeting
                                         wherein approval to apply and accept, if awarded, the grant is requested.
                                     b.  The M&C requesting application and acceptance approval shall include
                                         the following components:
                                            a.  Name of grant,
                                            b.  Grantor,

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