Page 472 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 472

I.     Authority

                          The  City  Council  is  responsible  for  legislation,  policy  formulation  and  overall
                          direction setting of the government.  This includes the approval of financial policies
                          which establish and direct the operations of the City of Fort Worth. The City Manager
                          and Assistant City Managers are responsible for carrying out the policy directives of
                          the  City  Council  and  managing  the  day-to-day  operations  of  the  executive
                          departments,  including  the  Department  of  Financial  Management  Services.  This
                          policy shall be administered on behalf of the City Manager and the Assistant City
                          Managers by the Chief Financial Officer/ Director of Finance.

                   II.    Purpose

                          The  fiscal  monitoring  policy  is  intended  to  serve  as  a  tool,  providing  Council,
                          management, and the public with the insight required to address issues impacting the
                          City's financial condition.  Furthermore, this policy is intended to describe particular
                          elements or aspects of fiscal monitoring such long-term planning programs within the
                          City and to memorialize this financial practice into a formal policy.  The outcome of
                          this  policy  is  to  prepare  and  present  regular  reports  that  analyze,  evaluate,  and
                          forecast the City’s financial performance and economic condition.

                   III.   Applicability and Scope:

                          This policy shall apply to all funds under the budgetary and fiscal control of the City
                          Manager and the Mayor and City Council.

                   IV.    Policy:

                          A.  Financial Management Reports

                              The  Department  of  Financial  Management  Services  shall  make
                              available through the City’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Planning
                              System a series of on-demand reports that facilitate access to financial
                              data which allows departments to analyze financial performance.

                          B.  Status Reports on Capital Projects

                              The  Department  of  Financial  Management  Services  shall  make
                              available through the City’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Planning
                              System a series of on-demand reports that facilitate access to financial

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