Page 337 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 337
Horizon Issues
Environmental Protection
Environmental planning, staffing studies, and organization structure of litter control programs have identified the
need to evaluate the current EPF fee structure to meet current and future needs. Required programmatic changes
to maintain compliance with regulated environmental wastes at sites where waste is generated has resulted in
additional planned expenses and will require a budget increase. In addition, MS4 permit requirements and
implementation of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements to control bacteria, as designated by the
TCEQ, will also result in additional expenses in future years.
Municipal Golf
The Municipal Golf Fund changed from an Enterprise Fund to a Special Revenue Fund in FY2015 and has received
a subsidy from the General Fund each year. The goal is to reduce or eliminate the amount of that subsidy over
time while providing for capital replacements to keep the courses in the best condition possible. Golf’s challenge
going forward will be identifying future funds to supplant diminishing gas well royalties that are utilized for PAYGo
capital funding of infrastructure projects.
Additionally, the Municipal Golf Fund is currently planning for a renovation of the Meadowbrook Golf Course. If
funding is appropriated for this project, Meadowbrook Golf Course would be closed in the fall of 2023 through
the spring of 2025. No revenue would be generated during the closure, but expenditures would be incurred for
staff salaries and benefits to oversee construction and for utilities. All financial strategies for the Municipal Golf
Fund need to account for the impacts of closure and the financial performance when the facility reopens following
the renovation.
Enterprise Funds
Municipal Airports
The Aviation Department strives to maintain a diverse portfolio of robust revenue streams by attracting new
investments and businesses with the aviation industry and the City of Fort Worth community that focus on
targeting industries and partnerships that align with the City of Fort Worth values and goals. Thus, the Aviation
Department is focused on airport self-sustainability through prudent and sensible use of current resources and
expansion of additional revenue streams through the development of airport property and other revenue
generating methodologies.
For all three airports, self-sustainability is exhibited by:
· At Meacham: Increase leased occupancy of the Administration Building, development and leasing of the
Midfield Redevelopment project, finishing design and beginning construction of the North Main Street
Frontage Road Improvements project, beginning design and construction of the Taxilane Juliet and Aprons
Charlie & Delta Rehabilitation project.
· At Spinks: Beginning construction of the West Side Box Hangar project, beginning construction of the
Airfield Lighting and Pavement Rehabilitation project, and beginning design and construction of the East
Side T-Hangar project.
· At Alliance: Establishment of signatory and non-signatory landing rates, finalized Air Traffic Control Tower
leasing rate with the FAA as well as the City of Fort Worth and Alliance Airport Management Agreement,
updated agreements with Amazon Prime Air and FedEx Express, begin design and construction of new
Gulfstream Aerospace service center and begin construction of Taxiway Papa extension.
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