Page 335 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 335
Horizon Issues
other private funds will continue to grow as quickly as funding allows. Significant growth in exhibits, with one large
(over $100,000) and at least one smaller (less than $100,000), is planned annually through 2023. Examples are an
orchid show in the spring and big bugs in the summer and fall of 2022. New and expanded garden programs will
also be needed to support growth in generated revenue.
The management agreement obligates the City to debt funding of $17 million in deferred maintenance plus a CPI
inflation accelerator by the end of the 2026 bond cycle. Approximately $8 million in requests for the 2022 bond
program are in process. This revenue will support relocating and replacing greenhouses and other facilities,
planning, and construction of a proposed children’s garden and other educational assets, and repairing and
repurposing current vehicular ways and internal parking as pedestrian and landscape spaces. Other proposed
improvements include replacing or upgrading mechanical equipment, other facilities and systems, and garden
infrastructure. It is anticipated that public funding for capital improvements will be supplemented by substantial
private funding.
Community Tree Planting
The program uses 11 different pieces of equipment that range up to 34 years old. The FY2021 Adopted Budget
included funding for three high-priority equipment replacements. While the FY2022 budget includes funding
another high priority trailer replacement, additional funding will be requested in future fiscal years to replace the
remaining equipment.
The program also utilizes a 90-year old greenhouse for seed-starting and propagation. Funding was allocated in
the FY2021 Adopted Budget, and will continue to be allocated in the next few fiscal years, to update and
modernize the facility to better accommodate the hundreds of visitors and guests that train and volunteer each
CCPD Neighborhood Services
The department is in the process of restructuring the after-hours program to attract more youth, offer more career
training and education that will lead them to self-sufficiency.
CCPD Parks and Recreation
Due to the age of the existing equipment, such as pressure washers, equipment repair costs have increased
significantly each passing year. The frequent repairs have resulted in longer repair times due to the heavy backlog
of repairs on the schedule. This leads to the GAP equipment being out of service for extended periods which
impacts productivity.
Due to an increase in graffiti over the last 13 months and having to find better products to abate graffiti, operating
supplies expenditures have increased, which will require additional budget allocation in future years.
CCPD Police
The Police Department expects to address the following issues in FY2022 and beyond, which result in some level
of budgetary and/or operations impact:
· Evaluate staffing levels continually and identify staffing efficiencies where possible;
· Plan training academies accordingly based on attrition projections with the goal of staying as close to zero
vacancies as possible;
· Plan for long-term capital needs appropriately by contributing funding in excess of fund balance
requirements to capital projects;
· Improve training in order to continue to build community trust and increase professionalism;
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