Page 334 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 334

Horizon Issues

            Transportation and Public Works
            With the pace of development currently occurring in the region, the Department is experiencing constraints in its
            supply chain for construction-related materials and activities; subsequently, such constraints continue to drive
            price increases in both labor and construction materials.

            The ongoing adoption of the asset management system’s advanced modules will greatly increase the capabilities
            of our asset management program for the transportation network by providing higher-quality decision-making for
            effective maintenance management practices.

            Expediting/facilitating  the  deployment  of  5G  network  facilities  is  a  high  priority  for  the  City.  The  TPW  ROW
            Management  Division  will  continue  to  actively  work  with  key  City  and  private  stakeholders  to  identify  and
            implement best practices for permitting, installation, and inspection of these facilities.

            The department has engaged industry asset management experts to assist in developing an Asset Management
            Strategy to include evaluating our current asset management capabilities, maturity level, and the development of
            an Asset Management Road Map to guide the department’s asset management efforts over the next 3-5 years.

            The recent acquisition of an asphalt milling machine will provide Street Operations with a new avenue to increase
            street maintenance repairs. Street Operations continues to look for opportunities to increase long lane asphalt
            repairs to improve the drive for citizens across the City.

            Special Revenue Funds

            Alliance Maintenance Facility
            The following issues for FY2022 are expected to result in some level of budgetary and/or operational impact over
            the next one to ten years. The issues listed are often in the preliminary or problem identification stage, could pose
            significant resource allocation challenges soon, and/or adequately addressing the issue may require some sort of
            City Council action/decision.

            Lease Revenues: The GDC bankruptcy may result in a loss of approximately $760K in lease revenue and utility
            reimbursements. The final determination of the impact of lost revenue from GDC is contingent upon the court
            ruling from the bankruptcy filed in 2021. A potential increase of lease revenue with new tenants and reimbursable
            costs could result in approximately $20M over the next 10 years if lease negotiations are finalized and executed.

            Central Utility Plant: The replacement chiller is expected to be operational at the end of FY2021 and is expected
            to increase efficiency that will result in a decrease of approximately $500K in utility expenses. Additionally, capital
            improvements, such as a new chiller pump, may be required at a cost of approximately $400K.

            Fuel Farm: Anticipated fuel farm expansion is expected to result in additional fuel sales revenue of approximately
            $200K annually.

            Botanic Gardens
            With the change to non-profit management, major changes in how the Garden does business are anticipated. The
            management  agreement  requires  that  growth  in  generated  revenues  and  donations  supporting  operations
            exceeds inflationary growth in the management fee. As a result, efforts to expand the membership base through
            active promotion and recruitment will accelerate. Programs to procure and manage sponsorships, donations, and

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