Page 148 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 148
General Fund
Change from FY2021
FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
Final Adopted Adjusted Adopted Amount %
License & Permits 17,445 30,300 30,300 30,000 (300) -0.99%
Intergovernmental 496,286 - 219,782 - - 0.00%
Charge for Service 905,457 1,113,831 1,113,831 991,500 (122,331) -10.98%
Use of Money & Property 2,698 - - - - 0.00%
Other 405,418 569,784 569,784 578,500 8,716 1.53%
Transfer In 838,253 607,810 607,810 607,810 - 0.00%
Revenue $ 2,665,557 $ 2,321,725 $ 2,541,507 $ 2,207,810 $ (113,915) -4.91%
Salaries & Benefits 234,159,932 240,754,634 240,725,881 251,114,447 10,359,813 4.30%
Gen Operating & Maintenance 27,916,561 31,943,086 32,178,868 31,136,461 (806,625) -2.53%
Capital Accts - 16,000 - - (16,000) -100.00%
Debt Service Accts 263,773 273,625 273,625 273,625 - 0.00%
Transfer Out & Other 94,615 - 28,754 - - 0.00%
Expenses $262,434,881 $272,987,345 $273,207,127 $282,524,533 $ 9,537,188 3.49%
2021 2022 Change
General Fund 1,915.00 1,891.56 1,919.00 1,895.06 4.00 3.50
Crime Control and Prevention District 321.00 308.98 342.00 329.98 21.00 21.00
Grants/Other 3.00 16.00 3.00 16.00 - -
Total 2,239.00 2,216.54 2,264.00 2,241.04 25.00 24.50
Note: FY21 General Fund FTE and Grants/Other AP and FTE are restated
The Police Department, under the direction of the Chief of Police, develops and implements programs to deter
crime and protect life and property in Fort Worth. Specific departmental responsibilities are:
· The reduction of violent crime and gang-related activities through enhanced enforcement activities and
crime prevention programs.
· Increased safety of residents and decreased crime throughout Fort Worth neighborhoods.
· Increased safety of youth and reduced juvenile crime through crime prevention and intervention
· Enhancement of crime-fighting and prevention tools and efforts through diverse recruitment, training,
retention of high-quality officers, technology, equipment, and capital improvements.
The Fort Worth Police Department (FWPD) consists of the following three bureaus: Patrol, Support, and
Finance/Personnel. Each bureau includes commands, with divisions, sections, and units under each command.
The majority of FWPD employees are in the Patrol Bureau, which consists of six divisions representing various
geographic areas of the city and includes directed response teams, the traffic division, and patrol support services,
which includes tactical medics, crisis intervention, homeless outreach, civilian response teams, and air patrol. The
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