Page 146 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 146
General Fund
Oriented Development, the Land Use Planning Division works to create and document higher returns on public
investment, and to promote development forms in other locations that yield similar high-value results. Working
with a variety of stakeholders and City departments, the Land Use Planning Division also supports watershed,
open space, and active transportation planning. In addition, the Division coordinates the City's efforts on the
Trinity River Vision Project. They work with the TRVA board, CMO, TxDOT, NCTCOG, TRWD, and City staff to
support the creation and development of Panther Island.
· The adopted budget increased $217,118 due to the addition of a Planning Assistant position, an increase
in health insurance costs and the reclassification of a Lean Administrator.
· The adopted budget increased $2,018,749 due to the addition of the Public Art program to the
department, an increase in contractual services due to redistricting software and an increase in Consultant
and Other Professional Services due to an increase in property tax fees charged to the department.
· The adopted budget increased $80,223 for a 4% pay for performance increase.
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