Page 103 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 103
General Fund
performs health inspections, and performs complaint investigations of food establishments, public swimming
pools/spas, daycare centers and hotel/motels. Additional responsibilities include building plan reviews and food
handler and pool operator training. The mosquito surveillance section ensures proactive measures to control
vector diseases, as well as providing rapid responses to reduce the risk of exposure to citizens. The Commercial
Compliance/Game Room Enforcement team addresses commercial zoning violations, as well as property
maintenance issues such as litter, rodents, vermin, sewage overflows, etc.
Animal Welfare provides field responses for stray animals, hazardous or ill wildlife, animal cruelty complaints and
bite investigations. It also provides care and a safe environment for sheltered animals, as well as facilitating animal
adoptions at two Shelters and two satellite adoption centers. The Department’s spay/neuter clinic is administered
through this division. Animal Welfare relies heavily on volunteer support, private donations and partnerships for
shelter operations and adoption programs.
NOTE: Solid Waste Services and Environmental Protection Summaries are included respectively in the Solid Waste
Fund section and the Environmental Protection Fund section of the budget book.
· The Adopted Budget increases by $509,129 due primarily to the costs associated with implementation of
a 4% salary increase for all general employees.
· The Adopted Budget increases by $607,520 for full-year funding for the new North Animal Shelter. This
includes $257,520 in Salaries & Benefits and $250,000 in Operating & Maintenance.
· The Adopted Budget increases by $336,777 for increased Information Technology allocations.
· The Adopted Budget increases by $213,000 for additional Minor Equipment expenses.
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