Page 43 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 43

City of Forest Hill
 Annual Appropriated Funds
 Consolidated Funds Summary (Modified Accrual Basis)

 General Fund   _Special Revenue Funds                Debt Sen-ice Fund
 Actual  -r- Estimnte  Adopted   Actual   Estimate   Adopted   Actual   Estimate   Adopted
 2019-20   2020-21   2021-22   2019-20   2020-21   2021-22   2019-20   2020-21   2021-22
 Revenues:   (Funds 4,5,6, I 0, 14, 15,22,23,24,28,49,51,52,80,98)
 PropenyTax   $   5,618,121  $   5,500,000  $   6,410,000   $   $   $   $   505,704  $   583,000  $   565,000
 Sales Tax   $   1,809,858  $   1,750,000  $   1,850,000   $   1,357,371  $   1,090,000  $   1,250,000   $   $   $
 Franchise taxes   $   565,405  $   350,000  $   490,000   $   $   $   $   $   $
 Licenses and permits   $   397,115  $   308,000  $   316,100   $   $   $   $   $   $
 l'ines and forfeitures   $   143,347  $   493,000  $   349,000   $   18,253  $   35,000  $   17,000   $   $   $
 Intergovernmental   $   41,712  $   10,000  $   25,000   $   4,942  $   3,000  $   3,000   $   $   $
 Building Rental Income   $   281,716  $   235,000  $   280,000   $   $   $   $   $   $
 Civic Center Fees   $   80,707  $   180,000  $   150,000   $   $   $   $   $   $
 Miscellaneous   $   122,005  $   29,000  $   58,000   $   122,005  $   29,000  $   58,000   $   $   $
 Interest   $   32,487  $   70,000  $   5,000   $   80,352  $   74,900  $   19,000   $   4,775  $   5,000  $   500
 Mineral rights leases/ royalties   $   18,614  $   10,000  $   10,000   $   $   $   $   $   $
 Grant   $   $   $   $   $   $             $            $            $
 Donations   $   1,750  $   3,000  $   3,000   $   $   $   $   $     $
 Hotel Tax   $   $   $   478,519  $   435,000  $   304,000   $   $   $
 Library   $   $   $   66,320  $   $   74,000   $       $            $
 Subtotal Revenues   s   9,112,837  s  8,938,000  s  9 946,IO0   2,127,762  s  1,666,900   1,725,000   s   510,480  s  588,000  s  565,500
 Other Financing Sources:
 lnterfund transfers in   $   853,494  $   908,500  $   908,500   $   255,190  $   254,000  $   254,000   $   170,630  $   170,630  $   170,000
 Subtotal Other Financing Sources  s   853,494  $   908,500  s  908,500   255,190  $   254,000  s  254,000   s   170,630  $   170,630  $   170,000
 Total Revenues & Other Financing   s   9,966,331  s  9,846,500  s  s   s   681,110  s
 Sources   10,854,600   2,382,952  $   1,920,900  $   1,979,000   758,630  $   735,500

 Personnel   $   6,570,928  $   7,131,015  $   7,051,972   $   66,458  $   133,370  $   216,300
 Materials/ minor equipment/ supplies  $   413,840  $   503,600  $   534,350   $   11,488  $   40,000  $   37,750
 Contractual Services   $   1,433,699  $   1,873,450  $   2,258,550   $   7,905  $   77,700  $   227,500   828   1,400   1,500
 Training & Travel   $   89,613  $   94,550  $   134,250   $   2,807  $   35,000  $   22,500
 Capital lease payments   $   699,727  $   647,600  $   786,500   $   287,019  $   478,200  $   2,448,500
 Debt service principal                        609,619      567,400      567,500
 Debt service interest                          54,933      100,552      100,000
 Capital Outlay
 Subtotal Appropriations   s  9,207,807  s  10,250,215  s  I0,765,622   375,677  $   764,270  s  2,952,550   s   665,380  s  669,352  $   669,000

 Other Financing Uses:
 lnterfund transfers out   $   269,941  $   254,000  $   254,000   $   422,124  $   474,130  $   424,130   $   $   $
 Debt issuance cost
 Miscellaneous Uses   $   61,604  $   60,650  $   74,400   $   975  $   6,500  $   6,000   $   $   $
 Total Appropriations:   s   9,539,352  s  10,564,865  s  11,094,022   s   798,776  s  1,244,900  $   3,382,680   s   665,380  s  669,352  s  669,000

 Net Increase (Decrease) in Fund
 Balance   $   426,979  $   (718,365)  $   (239,422)   1,584,175   676,000   (1,403,680)   $   15,730  $   89,278  $   66.500
 Accrual adjustment for GAAP
 Beginning Budgetary Fund Balance   s   2,334,168  s  2,761,147  s  2,042,782   s   6,084,770   7,668,945   8,344,945   $   289,455  s  305,185  $   394,463
 Ending Budgetary Fund Balance   s   2,761,147  $   2,042,782  s  1,803,360   7,668,945   8,344,945   6,941,265   s   305,185  s  394,463  s  460,963

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