Page 223 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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STORM WATER UTILITY: Keith Brooks, P.E., Director
Department Narrative At A Glance
The Stormwater Division is responsible for 38 Authorized Positions
the City’s stormwater conveyance systems Budget Break Down
and protection of the surface water quality in Personnel Services $3,352,496
the City of Arlington. The mission of the Operating Expenses 7,418,806
division is reducing the potential for Capital Outlay 473,000
stormwater damage to public health, safety, Total $11,244,302
life, property, and the environment. Programs
associated with achieving this mission Business Plan Goals and Objectives
include: Goal: Mitigate Flood Risks and Protect Stormwater
Floodplain management and watershed o Objective: Plan and Implement Stormwater Projects
planning to identify flood risks and o Objective: Complete Watershed Studies for Each
preserve and enhance aquatic and Watershed within the City
riparian environments; o Objective: Enhance Awareness of Stormwater Risk
Planning and implementation of flood
mitigation projects; Budget Highlights
Inspection and maintenance of the New Civil Engineer $104,324
stormwater conveyance system; Increased Recurring Funding for Payment in Lieu of Taxes
Protection of water quality from sediment $88,799
and pollutants; and Increased Recurring Funding for Debt Service $500,819
Outreach to the public related to flooding Increased Recurring Funding for Stormwater Quality Manager
and water quality. Reclassification $14,249
Revenue for this fund is generated through
the Stormwater Utility Fee which is paid by
owners of commercial and residential
property through the City’s water utility billing.
Grants and revenue bonds may also be used
to fund the Stormwater Capital Program.
FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan 212 City of Arlington, Texas