Page 219 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Department Narrative Business Plan Goals and Objectives
The Office of Strategic Initiatives implements Goal: Implement Strategies to Eliminate Racism and Other Forms of
pilot programs, uses multi-faceted community Discrimination and to Advance Unity in Arlington
engagement, and relies on data-driven o Objective: Address General Disparities
approaches to plan for the future of Arlington Goal: Expand and Enhance the City’s Image
today. OSI is made up of three divisions – o Objective: Promote Community Engagement
Strategic Planning, Research and Analytics, o Objective: Develop a Sense of Place
and Grants Management. The Strategic Goal: Explore Creative, Alternative Transportation Opportunities
Planning team is responsible for long-range o Objective: Promote Regional Connectivity
planning efforts including the comprehensive o Objective: Optimize Effectiveness and Efficiency of Existing
plan, area and corridor plans, transportation Transportation System
planning, neighborhood engagement, and Goal: Enhance Economic Impact Through Development and
special projects, such as the Via Rideshare Redevelopment Efforts, Partnerships, and Investment Opportunities
program, autonomous vehicle pilot programs, o Objective: Foster Development and Redevelopment in Targeted
and the Arlington Urban Design Center. The Areas
Research and Analytics Group works towards Goal: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
the efficient and transparent use of data to o Objective: Provide for the Efficient Access and Appropriate
provide timely and effective analytical support Management of the City’s Data
to City programs, services, and citizenry,
including growing and maintaining the Open Goal: Partner with Local Organizations to Educate and Mentor
Arlington data portal. The Grants Management o Objective: Strengthen Education and Enrichment Programs
team administers federal grants including o Objective: Retain Arlington Graduates and Improve Department
Community Development Block Grants, Recruitment Pools
HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and
the Emergency Solutions Grant, and is also the Budget Highlights
lead team for the City’s Annual One-time Funding for Thoroughfare Development Plan Update
Homeownership Fair. $150,000
Increased Recurring Funding for Via On-Demand Rideshare
At A Glance $2,250,000
9 Authorized Positions
Budget Break Down
Personnel Services $909,502
Operating Expenses 4,889,492
Total $5,798,994
FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan 208 City of Arlington, Texas