Page 441 - Hurst FY20 Approved Budget
P. 441
Operating Impact
Project Description Project Justification Status 9/30/19
The Access Control System project will upgrade The original system installed in 2001 and has not been Project to begin in early
all security components for City facilities still replaced. The various components associated with the 2019
operating on the original system installed in 2001. system cannot be purchased because of their age. The
City Hall renovation was brought online with the latest
security solution available causing additional compatibility
issues with the legacy system.
Replace Unit 714 To be purchased in
Replace Unit 212 To be purchased in
The water main replacement program normally The Utilities Division spends a large amount of time and Project to begin in early O&M impact due to
involves the replacement of older, deteriorating six- money maintaining broken and leaking water mains. 2019 decreased cost in
inch and eight-inch diameter water mains Deteriorating water mains will break causing thousands of maintenance of
throughout the city. These water mains are dollars in lost water and many hours of repair. water lines.
usually made of cast iron and have a tendency to
corrode and leak after many years underground.
The sanitary sewer replacement program involves The City of Hurst will finally have a dog park for the benefit Project to begin in early O&M impact due to
the replacement or rehabilitation of deteriorating and recreation of its citizens. The dog park will be located 2019 decreased cost in
six-inch and eight-inch sanitary sewer mains. in an existing park, negating the need for additional land, maintenance of
parking, utilities, etc. Without this funding, the City of Hurst sewer lines.
will remain one of the few cities in the area without a dog
The sanitary sewer replacement program involves The Utilities Division spends a large amount of time and Project to begin in early O&M impact due to
the replacement or rehabilitation of deteriorating money maintaining broken and clogged sanitary sewer 2020 decreased cost in
six-inch and eight-inch sanitary sewer mains. mains. Deteriorating sewer mains allow for infiltration maintenance of
which Hurst pays the City of Fort Worth to treat. sewer lines.
Staff is identifying areas that could sustain a dog The City of Hurst will finally have a dog park for the benefit This project is in the O&M impact due to
park with the following amenities: black vinyl and recreation of its citizens. The dog park will be located planning phase. maintenance and
coated chain-link fencing with mow strips; in an existing park, negating the need for additional land, labor to maintain
concrete sidewalks connecting dog park to trail parking, utilities, etc. Without this funding, the City of Hurst park.
system; water fountains with pet fountain will remain one of the few cities in the area without a dog
attachments and one Pet Comfort Station; park.
benches for patrons; and Doggy Depot Stations.