Page 97 - FY2020Colleyville
P. 97
will benefit builders, as surrounding cities are currently operating under the 2018 IFC.
Homeowners will also benefit from a safety aspect of the updated codes.
3. Provide Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
2.1 – Provide responsive, efficient city services
2.4 – Demonstrate stewardship of public resources
3.4 – Thoroughly plan for future capital and investments and associated costs
4.3 – Adopt best practice planning and development processes
5.2 – Support a variety of community events, concerts and celebration
The Fire Department provides the transport Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for the City.
Often referred to as fire-based EMS, all members of the department are certified firefighters
as well as certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs)/Paramedics. The department
operates the EMS system under the license of the Medical Director, who is an Emergency
Department Physician contracted by the city. The Medical Director establishes the protocols
from which the system operates under and provides training. The department has been very
fortunate to attract, develop and retain skilled employees who embrace our city values, as
well as the department values of providing caring, compassionate and competent assistance
in all we do. The department currently operates with two front line and one reserve
ambulance, also known as Mobile Intensive
Care Units (MICUs). On occasion multiple calls
for service occur and the department relies on
our mutual aid partnerships to assist us with
the calls. The Fire Department also utilizes a
Squad to respond to most EMS calls. Utilizing
this unit allows for a faster more mobile
response. This also reduces wear and tear on
larger more costly vehicles.
4. Provide Emergency Management Services and Support
1.1 – Actively involve and engage stakeholders
2.1 – Provide responsive, efficient city services
2.4 – Demonstrate stewardship of public resources
3.4 – Thoroughly plan for future capital and investments and associated costs
4.3 – Adopt best practice planning and development processes
5.2 – Support a variety of community events, concerts and celebration
The Emergency Management Plan for the City of Colleyville provides general guidelines for
emergency management activities. The plan describes our response organization and
assigns responsibilities for various emergency tasks. The plan is intended to provide a
framework for more specific functional annexes that describes what each city department is
responsible for. The plan applies to all local officials, departments and agencies. The
primary audience for the plan includes our chief elected official, the emergency
management staff, department and agency heads and their senior staff members, leaders of
local volunteer organizations such as designated ham radio operators and storm spotters
that support emergency operations and others who may participate in our mitigation,
preparedness, response, and recovery efforts. The City’s designated Emergency
Management Coordinator is responsible for maintaining and updating the Emergency
Management Plan. The Coordinator is also responsible for the operations and upkeep of the
Outside Warning Sirens as well as joint oversight with the Police Department for the radio
system and tower. The Coordinator is an integral position within the Emergency Operations