Page 35 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 35


               The  City  of  Watauga  remains  focused  on  building  an  inclusive

               community that delivers an exceptional quality of life with access to
               amenities  and  programs  through  good  governance,  fiscal

               responsibility, and transparency.


               Develop  programs  to  attract  and  support  businesses  to  our
               community and provide a safe and secure community for all.

                                                  City Goals

                                      Strategic Initiatives

               Strategic Planning Goal:

               Maintain financial strength of the City

               Strategic Initiatives:
              1. Maintain sound fiscal management practices and review those

                  practices, policies, and procedures to ensure the City’s bond

                  rating is maintained or improved on an annual basis.

              2. Continue to seek grants for programs and projects and review

                  opportunity zone participation on an annual basis.

              3. Enhance Cybersecurity through training, software, hardware, and

                  other solutions.


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