Page 31 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
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The strategic plan guides the City’s budget process and serves as a road map for the
upcoming fiscal year. The City Council’s strategic planning process begins with an annual
strategic planning meeting. The Council reviews the plans and discusses key objectives
for the upcoming annual budget. The financial plan is reviewed, and a strategy is
developed to focus on financial sustainability. Key challenges are discussed and how they
can be addressed with the budget. The City Manager then works with each department to
follow the Council’s direction to define service levels, update short-term divisional objects,
and develop budget requests during the budget process.
The 2024-2025 review defined what we want to focus on as an organization: maintaining
the City’s overall strong financial position; continuing our investment in public
infrastructure, addressing the retention and recruitment of employees; providing for
community and business beautification efforts, and enhancing citizen engagement.
The following documents continue to be reviewed, evaluated, and updated on an annual
basis to remain focused on our mission to be a vibrant and connected community that
offers response services and effective programs.