Page 337 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 337


               Contingency:    A  budgetary  reserve  set-aside  for  emergencies  or  unforeseen  expenditures  not
               otherwise budgeted.

               Contractual Services: The cost related to services performed for the City by individuals, business,
               or utilities.

               Crime Control and Prevention District: The State Legislature in 1989 allowed certain cities and
               counties to establish a district and impose a local sales tax to fund its programs. Since that time,
               eligibility has been extended.

               Current Refunding: A refunding transaction in which the proceeds of the refunding debt are applied
               immediately to redeem the debt to be refunded.

               Current Taxes: Property taxes that are levied and due within one year.

               Debt Service: The City’s obligation to pay the principal and interest of all bonds and other debt
               instruments according to a pre-determined payment schedule.

               Debt Service Fund: A fund established to account for the accumulation of resources for the payment
               of principal and interest on long term debt. May also be called Interest and Sinking Fund (I & S).

               Delinquent  Taxes:  Taxes  that  remain  unpaid  on  and  after  the  date  for  which  penalty  for  non-
               payment is attached.

               Department:  A  major  administrative  organizational  unit  of  the  City,  which  indicates  overall
               management responsibility for one or more divisions.

               Depreciation: The portion of the cost of a fixed asset charged as an expense during a particular
               period. In accounting for depreciation, the cost of a fixed asset, less any salvage value, is prorated
               over the estimated service life of such an asset. Through this process, the entire cost of the asset is
               ultimately charged off as an expense.

               Distinguished  Budget  Presentation  Award:    A  voluntary  program  administered  by  the
               Government Finance Officers Association to encourage governments to publish well organized and
               easily readable budget documents and to provide peer recognition and technical assistance to the
               fiscal officers preparing them.

               Division: A major administrative organizational unit of the City, which indicates overall management
               responsibility for one or more activities.

               Economic Development Corporation (EDC): A corporation established for the focus of economic
               development within the City.

               Effectiveness: The degree to which an entity, program, or procedure is successful at achieving its
               goals and objectives.

               Efficiency: The degree to which an entity, program, or procedure is successful at achieving its goals
               and objectives with the least use of scarce resources.

               Encumbrances: Obligations in the form of purchase orders and contracts, which are chargeable to
               an appropriation and for which a part of the appropriation is reserved because the goods or services
               have not been received. When paid, the encumbrance is liquidated.

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