Page 335 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 335


               Accrual Accounting: A basis of accounting in which revenues are recognized in the accounting
               period  in  which  they  are  earned,  and  expenses  are  recognized  in  the  period  in  which  they  are

               Ad Valorem Tax: A tax assessed against property (land, improvements, and personal property) for
               the purpose of financing general operations of the City and debt service requirements.

               Advanced Refunding: A transaction in which new debt is issued to provide monies to pay interest
               on old, outstanding debt as it becomes due, and to pay the principal on the old debt either as it
               matures or at an earlier call date.

               Allocation:  A  part  of  a  lump-sum  appropriation,  which  is  designed  for  expenditures  by  specific
               organization units and/or for special purposes, activities, or objects.

               Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR): This report is published annually to provide to
               the Council, the representatives of financial institutions, our citizens, and other interested persons,
               detailed information concerning the financial condition of the City government.

               Appraised Value: The market value of real and personal property located in the City as of January
               1 each year, determined by the Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD).

               Appropriation:  The  maximum  level  of  spending  for  each  fund  and  for  each  department  as
               authorized annually by the City Council.

               Appropriation  Ordinance:  The  official  enactment  by  the  legislative  body  by  means  of  which
               appropriations are given legal effect. It is the method by which the expenditure side of the annual
               operating budget is enacted into law by the legislative body.

               ARPA:   Acronym for American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill passed
               to speed up the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing recession.

               Assessed Valuation: A value that is established for real or personal property for use as a basis for
               levying property taxes. The Tarrant Appraisal District establishes property values in Watauga.

               Assessment Ratio: The ratio at which tax rate is applied to tax base. State Law currently sets the
               assessment ratio at 100%.

               Assets: Resources owned or held by the City, which have monetary value.

               Audit:  An examination of an organizations’’ financial statements and utilization of resources.

               Balanced Budget: Annual financial plan in which the operating budget is balanced with current
               revenues,  exclusive  of  beginning  resources,  and  is  greater  than  or  equal  to  current

               Baseline:  The amount necessary to provide the same level of services as in the prior year.

               Basis of Accounting: The timing of recognition, that is, when the effects of transactions or events
               should be recognized for financial reporting purposes.

               Bond: A written promise to pay a specified sum of money, called the face value or principal amount,
               at a specified date in the future, call the maturity date, together with periodic interest at a specified
               rate. The most common types of bonds are general obligation and revenue bonds. They are most
               frequently used for construction of large capital projects, such as buildings, streets, and bridges.
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